20th May 11, 09:18 AM
20th May 11, 09:47 AM
Just saw a billboard today for a church that is doing special 5:30-9:00pm services all this week. Guess I'm a little late to join the boat with them, I'd say da** but I'm not sure that is an appropriate sentiment just in case this nut ball is right. Anyone else holding their breath on this one? ;)
20th May 11, 10:32 AM
Nope. Although I did get a minor wake-up jolt with an earthquake that hit around 1 am... It was a small one though.
I'm fully looking forward to the Doomsday Survival BBQ party we got planned for Sat. evening though. It should be lotsa fun!
20th May 11, 10:42 AM
Er... whose saturday? Or is this going to a kind of rolling rapture... sorta like new year...?
That might give the game away to some folks though... hmmm wonder if anyone decided to create a rapturewatch website yet...
20th May 11, 11:11 AM
OK, show of hands. Who has R.E.M.'s "It's the End of the World" running through their mind now?
20th May 11, 11:18 AM
 Originally Posted by Whidbey78
The other day a lady from down the street asked me what my plans were for the "Rapture." I'm pretty sure she not only believes it's going to happen, but truly hopes for it. I told her simply "I came into the world fat, bald-headed, naked, screaming and covered in goo. Dammit, that's how I'm going out too." Hopefully she never speaks to me again. 
That's a good one. 
Don't forget the artificial hips, knees, etc, they don't rapture. Organ transplants... Depends who it came from...
All that stuff is going to be out on the sidewalk along with the clothes and jewelry (referring to CDNSushi's post on prank).
Last edited by Bugbear; 20th May 11 at 12:02 PM.
Reason: Specifying a few things.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
20th May 11, 11:39 AM
I hate to be a dud and a spoilparty, but maybe just maybe just possibly instead of pointing fingers and laughing, and joining facebook groups about looting after the Rapture, it would be better to take part of the day....or the day before (today) or the day after, or ANY day...
.... and consider our own individual lives. Totally aside from considering what a powerpoint presentation of HERE'S YOUR LIFE would look like if it was assembled by whoever your archenemy is...totally aside from that because you may believe that will never happen....
But totally aside from that, MAYBE it would be better for us each individually to just take some time and think on our lives; how we can be better people, how we can be kinder and more honest with one another, how we affect each others lives, how we affect the lives of people we don't even know, how we effect the natural world we live in, and so on.
I just propose say, maybe an hour of that, to take the place of laughing about "post Rapture practical jokes" and laughing at the stupid, ignorant Christian people who believe in all that silliness...HAHAHAHA. and so on.
sorry for being a preachy SOB and ruining all the fun, eh?
20th May 11, 11:51 AM
 Originally Posted by Alan H
I hate to be a dud and a spoilparty, but maybe just maybe just possibly instead of pointing fingers and laughing, and joining facebook groups about looting after the Rapture, it would be better to take part of the day....or the day before (today) or the day after, or ANY day...
.... and consider our own individual lives. Totally aside from considering what a powerpoint presentation of HERE'S YOUR LIFE would look like if it was assembled by whoever your archenemy is...totally aside from that because you may believe that will never happen....
But totally aside from that, MAYBE it would be better for us each individually to just take some time and think on our lives; how we can be better people, how we can be kinder and more honest with one another, how we affect each others lives, how we affect the lives of people we don't even know, how we effect the natural world we live in, and so on.
I just propose say, maybe an hour of that, to take the place of laughing about "post Rapture practical jokes" and laughing at the stupid, ignorant Christian people who believe in all that silliness...HAHAHAHA. and so on.
sorry for being a preachy SOB and ruining all the fun, eh?
I am one of those "silly Christians" and even I think this guy is a fraud. Remember, he has preached a couple of these doomsdays before. He doesn't support MOST of what he says with the Bible in any meaningful way and THAT is the basis of the teachings of the Christian faith, not what some old guy says. I do agree however that we should all, as individuals strive to make our world a little better and to be the better version of ourselves. Although I believe that any who do not recieve Christ will go to hell (please don't start an argument over religion here it is not the place) that does not mean I want anything but the best for everyone including non-beleivers. If it happens this Saturday, then great. If not then I hope that fraud gets fired and his congregation abandons him.
Last edited by biblemonkey; 20th May 11 at 12:18 PM.
20th May 11, 12:01 PM
 Originally Posted by biblemonkey
I am one of those "silly Christians" and even I think this guy is a fraud. Remember, he has preached a couple of these doomsdays before. He doesn't support MOST of what he says with the Bible in any meaningful way and THAT is the basis of the teachings of the Christian faith, not what some old guy says. I do agree however that we should all, as individuals strive to make our world a little better and to be the better version of ourselves. Although I believe that any who do not recieve Christ will go to hell (please don't start an argument over religion here it is not the place) that does not mean I want anything bust the best for everyone including non-beleivers. If it happens this Saturday, then great. If not then I hope that fraud gets fired and his congregation abandons him.
How anyone can tell me they don't want a religious argument and tell me I'm going to hell in the same sentence I just don't know. I honestly believe you didn't engage brain before opening mouth. Better luck next time.
20th May 11, 12:15 PM
 Originally Posted by O'Callaghan
How anyone can tell me they don't want a religious argument and tell me I'm going to hell in the same sentence I just don't know. I honestly believe you didn't engage brain before opening mouth. Better luck next time.
I said that it was my belief. MINE. If you don't agree then that's fine but that's what the Bible, in my estimation, teaches. I have more non-Christian friends than Christian friends but I don't argue religion with them and they respect my beliefs even though they completely disagree with them. We each know where the other stands but know that arguing solves nothing. I mean look at my friendship with Nighthawk. He's a pagan and I've never once argued faith with him. I think he's a great guy.
Your response was insulting and rude. I don't want this to become a religious argument HERE because this is not the place. I NEVER argue my faith. When people do that and it ends up becoming heated and personal instead of loving and that is not my aim at all. If you want to get steamed and be rude then send me a PM and don't try to evoke negativity HERE IN THE OPEN FORUM. And besides, you apparently don't share my beliefs anyway so what do you care if I believe you will go to hell. You can just excuse it as superstition and stupidity and ignore it. There was no need to be personally insulting just because you disagree. I hope you can see my point. I know you may have taken offense but seriously, how insulted can you be when you think my belief is nuts? Just like I think this "doomsday" guy is nuts. Doesn't mean I have to start something with him.
All the best,
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