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  1. #11
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Standard View Post
    Matt, I've not worn castellated hose (yet) and have a wee question. I know that hand tied garters are to be worn with castellated hose. My queestion is when wearing these is it right and proper to wear only matching coloured garters, or are garters in a contrasting colour also permitted? I notice in the second photo a lighter gray coloured garter. How much, if indeed any, lattitude in colour choice is permitted? Would, for example a pair of red garters be completely out of the question with the above exampled hose? I could imagine some creative combinations, but am not certain as to how they would look "in real life".
    Either one works, in my opinion. You'll notice in the first pic I am wearing a pair of charcoal grey garters that match pretty well with the grey in the hose. That worked well with the outfit I was wearing at the time, which was a grey toned tartan kilt (Highland Granite tartan), black Argyle and waistcoat (and of course white shirt, black tie). The whole outfit was rather grey-scale so bright colored flashes would have stood out like a sore thumb.

    Now in the second pic I was wearing a more colorful outfit. I had on my St. Ninian tartan kilt, which has many colors, and matching tartan waistcoat. I could have worn the grey garters and it would have looked just fine. But I decided for something a bit more flashy and wore instead a set of garters my wife wove for me that are primarily green with white and red knotwork stripes on them.

    So yes, either options works.

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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Here are the first pair of patterned-top hose I ever owned!
    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Full argyle hose to match my MacQuarrie tartan kilt.

    Diced hose to match another MacQuarrie kilt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowher View Post
    My goodness Mr Newsome! You have more hose than a Las Vegas pimp!
    I'm getting a new pair of hand knit hose in a few days when they arrive I will post my sad collection.

    Hilarious Cowher!
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome View Post
    Either one works, in my opinion...

    Now in the second pic I was wearing a more colorful outfit. I had on my St. Ninian tartan kilt, which has many colors, and matching tartan waistcoat. I could have worn the grey garters and it would have looked just fine. But I decided for something a bit more flashy and wore instead a set of garters my wife wove for me that are primarily green with white and red knotwork stripes on them.

    So yes, either options works.
    Thanks Matt, that's what I thought you might say, but I wasn't sure. Interesting that the second pair is primarily green, on my monitor is shows up more of a light gray colour, which is what originally prompted my question. I do like the looks of the second photo. The garters nicely compliment the colouring of your kilt and waistcoat.
    His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
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  4. #14
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by Standard View Post
    Thanks Matt, that's what I thought you might say, but I wasn't sure. Interesting that the second pair is primarily green, on my monitor is shows up more of a light gray colour, which is what originally prompted my question. I do like the looks of the second photo. The garters nicely compliment the colouring of your kilt and waistcoat.
    Maybe you can see them better in this photo from the same evening.

    My wife (with me in the photo) wove those some years ago on her inkle loom. They are cotton - if anyone is contemplating weaving your own similar garters, I'd recommend wool as it has more elasticity to it, which helps it stay in place.

    She wove enough extra that I also could make a pair of garter flashes to affix to a modern elastic garter. Hardly ever wear those, as I tend to stay away from the elastic garters these days. But here's a photo.

    (Did someone say RED KILT HOSE???

  5. #15
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    Which color?

    What color red are those hose? I'm guessing Tartan Red, but can you confirm? They look pretty cool with ghillies (and I'm not a big fan of ghillies).
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  6. #16
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    Nothing huge here - just showing you can get some "loud" effects from Lewis Kilt Hose and Traditinal Garter Ties.

    Thick Aran Kilt Hose from USA Kilts

    Blending the colors of the sgian dubh handle with the kilt hose and garter tie.

    Choosing black kilt hose in case of a slip on the ice the blood doesn't show or ruin the kilt hose.

    Lewis Kilt Hose with hand made traditional ties.

    Pushing Red

    And, the new frontier - MIX and MATCH....who says both kilt hose have to be the same color?? Push the envelope....experiment with kilt hose!

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  7. #17
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    A few odd socks

    Matt's collection is a hard act to follow but here's what's in my sock drawer.
    Day-wear kilt hose

    Posh day-wear hose in Ancient Hunting Robertson colours

    Evening hose in Modern Dress Robertson

    Evening hose, unworn but should work with the green Robertson
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  8. #18
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by longhuntr74 View Post
    What color red are those hose? I'm guessing Tartan Red, but can you confirm? They look pretty cool with ghillies (and I'm not a big fan of ghillies).
    Those are not yet listed on the STM gift shop page (but they will be with an upcoming web site update). It's a new line from House of Cheviot called "Tain" and one of the available colors is "military red" which these are. It's a lighter & brighter color than the tartan red, but not nearly so orange as the ancient red. Here's another pic:

    And a close-up of the diamond pattern.

    Here's more info on the hose. They will retail less than the Lewis Hose, but more than the Glenmore.

    (If anyone wants to order before they go live on the STM site, just get ahold of me).

  9. #19
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    I love my hose! I’ve built quite a collection. House of Cheviot is a mainstay. When I visited last summer the Scottish Tartans Museum I wore my box pleat made by Matt in the St. Columba tartan. Matt and I both have names tied to this Irish Saint who founded Iona Abbey to evangelize Alba in the 5th century. We approached hose color coordination to our tartan in the Lewis line in different ways.

    I have a number Lewis hose, black, navy included. On a fall special at STM, I picked up these Lewis hose in mustard and using a matching garter went with this eye catching contrasting look. I personally like it, but know many of you don’t.

    I have a pair of ancient red on order. I plan to match the garters, also.

  10. #20
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    Chris Taylor [Redshanks, here] at Dunadd Trading Company got me on to tartan top hose from the House of Cheviot.

    I would later add the Royal Scot full tartan hose which goes well with Malcolm modern tartan kilt.

    I don’t think you can beat House of Cheviot hose.

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