For the past week, i've been on vacationing in Atlanta visiting the folks and catching up with friends. I figured that taking a break fro my usual kilt and sporran making orders should entail, yes...making a kilt for myself. My weight gain has levelled off, and will begin to recede at some point, so I decided to bring some fabric and work on it here and there when there are quiet moments. My Mom is has taken some time with it also (DAMN she can sew!). The issue is this tartan......i'm a member of the 78th frasers and have wanted to get a kilt in that tartan for years. I was an active member in my youth, so that kilt LONG since did not fit, but I wanted to honor my association with one and picked up fabric some time ago. This tartan is HUGE...Sett is almost 16 inches, so pleating was tricky for what I wanted, AND the tartan is the brightest orange you will ever see. I've figured out how to pleat to the bar which is a charcoal/teal color making the pleated section extremely dark vs. The bright apron.............i love whacky things, but because of the extreme difference even I'm scratching my head. There is still time to pull some stiching and redo the pleating if consensus deems this is too much of a contrast...thats kinda what I'm looking for. The Frasers are a serious bunch, and I don't want to get blasted at an event for such a kilt design.....I'm on an ipad, so I can't upload photos, but will ASAP.