Originally Posted by
Ryan Ross
Have you checked on them lately? They've been greatly expanding their offerings in the last year or so. Also, they size in a rather unconventional way- based on a direct measurement of your foot (I'm certain you already know that, though). At any rate, it's a terrible shame if they don't make Vibrams in your size.
But then again, unless you're already a fairly dedicated barefoot walker, they may well not be your cup of tea.
My girlfriend (Sorcha) was quite the barefoot walker, and even she went through a fairly long "getting used to" period.
At any rate, keep an eye on their site. They may start offering shoes in your size any time!
Thanks for the information, I will have to check their site, since I haven't looked at it in quite a while.
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Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]