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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kc8ufv View Post
    For some reason, it looks like the piper was leaning against something, cut out, and pasted where he is. Definitely looks weird.. If whoever did that were decent at photoshop, they would have at least tried adding a bit of a shadow to the left. The lighting on the piper and the background are from totally different directions.
    Quote Originally Posted by O'Callaghan View Post
    I think it's just taken from a low angle. Don't know why, because it makes it look a bit odd!
    I'm pretty sure O'Callaghan is right. It's the low angle and slight off-vertical nature of the shot that makes the piper look off balance. As to the shadow, I believe that he's well lit from the front, you can see a shadow extending back from the legs.

    Given the low angle, we REALLY should be seeing a lot more knee. His kilt must be riding very low indeed.

  2. #22
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    Good day all,
    I am the owner of Cornerstone Kilts and have made a few changes to our website due to your helpful post on the forum. We are a new business with much still to learn. I am grateful for the insightful help like that of Mr. Newsome, whom I spoke with the other day (thank you). These are a few changes that have been made to the website: tartan correction, both origins of kilts, and listing of address.

  3. #23
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    I think the way he is carrying the pipes is odd too. It looks like he's about to drop them. All the pipers I know are more carefull about having a good hold on the bag and drones. If there are any pipers reading, please feel free to correct me, I'm a drummer, not a piper, but I have been around pipers for a few years.
    Last edited by JiminDC; 21st June 11 at 09:30 AM. Reason: spelling

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiminDC View Post
    I think the way he is carrying the pipes is odd too. It looks like he's about to drop them. All the pipers I know are more carefull about having a good hold on the bag and drones. If there are any pipers reading, please feel free to correct me, I'm a drummer, not a piper, but I have been around pipers for a few years.
    im not a piper either but it does look like he is about to drop them. (i believe this might be the owner of the company in the picture)
    Last edited by Silent Raven; 21st June 11 at 10:34 AM.
    Touch not the cat but a glove
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by artificer View Post
    I'm pretty sure O'Callaghan is right. It's the low angle and slight off-vertical nature of the shot that makes the piper look off balance. As to the shadow, I believe that he's well lit from the front, you can see a shadow extending back from the legs.

    Given the low angle, we REALLY should be seeing a lot more knee. His kilt must be riding very low indeed.
    I did kinda miss the shadow extending back from him, but I was also looking at the shadow behind the light where his bass drone is pointing. If you look, it's to the left of the light, indicating strong lighting from the right side....

  6. #26
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    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I have been in contact with Steve, the owner of Cornerstone Kilts, and as soon as we work out some details I'm sure he will respond here.

    Until then would everyone please hold your comments and criticism. Until we have had a chance to hear from the owner we are just guessing and making suppositions.

    Let's give the man an opportunity to respond to your questions and comments.
    Steve Ashton
    Forum Owner

  7. #27
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    Good day all,
    I am the owner of Cornerstone Kilts and have made a few changes to our website due to your helpful post on the forum. We are a new business with much still to learn. I am grateful for the insightful help like that of Mr. Newsome, whom I spoke with the other day (thank you). These are a few changes that have been made to the website: tartan correction, both origins of kilts, and listing of address.

  8. #28
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    Thanks you Mr. Ashton for all your help

    Steve Smith

  9. #29
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    Cornerstone Kilts, new with much to still learn, exists because we want to help our valued friends and clients. Not everyone can afford a $400-$700 kilt, nice as it would be. That’s why we offer our kilts at a considerably lower price. Our goal is to offer you a quality garment at a reasonable price. Allowing folks to celebrate celtic heritage at an affordable price.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Smith View Post
    Good day all,
    I am the owner of Cornerstone Kilts and have made a few changes to our website due to your helpful post on the forum. We are a new business with much still to learn. I am grateful for the insightful help like that of Mr. Newsome, whom I spoke with the other day (thank you). These are a few changes that have been made to the website: tartan correction, both origins of kilts, and listing of address.
    Welcome to X Marks from deep in the piney woods of East Texas (maybe 50 miles east of you or so) and thanks for having the good smarts to seek out the advice of Steve, Matt and others. We'll stay tuned for further developments.

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