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  1. #41
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    I Have also had a few experiences in the Celtic way. When we were planning our wedding 3 yrs ago my sister called the store to see if they had any clan Young items. The lady was rude to her until she said that her last name was Gilbert. She is always friendly to us when we go in to her store once we tell her our last name is Young. My father-in-law went in there before our wedding and he said that she was crazy and he had to leave because he got into it with her. He is german,irish,french&indian. I think she is friendly if you know what clan you are from and you know about your tartan. My wife usually gets bored and walks out because I usually stay and chat with her for awhile.I do agree about Everything scottish in Linville.We have been there many times as well as the Scottish Tartans museum. The staff at both of those stores have always been friendly & helpful. But if you do make it to Ashville do drop into the Celtic Way . It is an experience!

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Any idea what happens when/if a real Scot turns up?
    We'll find out next weekend or so I live in one of the small towns near Asheville having moved here from the West coast 10 years or so ago. I've walked past the store many times but never had any inclination to go in.

    Now I find myself getting married in September and I'm looking for a luckenbooth for the bride. Despite what I've read I'm willing to give this place a shot, perhaps more to answer Jock Scot's question that anything else ;)

    I've been lurking and reading here for the past month or so, and I've learned a whole lot from you all. At first my reason for getting kilted for the wedding was simply because it's my national dress and it looks damn good. Now though (after the wedding) I plan on wearing the kilt on a regular basis.


  3. #43
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    The wife and I stopped by yesterday. Very strange shop and shopkeeper. No money was exchanged nor any new names added to our Christmas card list.

  4. #44
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    If you are in Waynesville, then you are not that far from us in Franklin, either. Be sure to stop by for a visit next time you are in the neighborhood!

  5. #45
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    People I know visited there about a year ago. They got on her (owner) goodside and did not have a problem. However, she did admit to running most clients out the door because she believed they are shoplifters or that she believes they aren't going to buy anything.
    Last edited by sirdaniel1975; 26th June 11 at 06:11 AM. Reason: Miss spell
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