So I was board so I posted on a forum about reptiles and asked about kilts.
Keeping reptiles is just weird. Keeping New World Tarantulas is normal, that, and they are much prettier than anything a herpetologist would have. I also have a collection of preserved fish, is that weird?
Dont really mind those sorts of opinions, no one really has the ultimate opinion on how others should dress, the more ignorant opinions have strength only in that they think the majority of people think the same as them when it comes to diversity, which is obviously rubbish.
I really can't get mad when people make comments about my kilts. I often remind myself that I too, criticize people on their attire. It drives me nuts when I see some kid walking down the street with his pants hanging down to his knees. I always want to comment and tell him to pull them up around your waist. I guess that is some sort of fashion statement (says the guy in the kilt) and one could easily call me a hypocrite for thinking that way. Thankfully God wired us all differently... We just all lucked out with the better wiring job!!!!
Are we not all guilty of this? Don't we all make judgements on the amount of cleavage shown and the appropriateness in any given situation. Likewise the hem height of a skirt. Likewise the amount of hair, muscles and size of the package.
We are all judgemental and in the great scheme of things, I think that I would prefer a person to criticise someone for their dress sense rather than for their gender or sexual orientation or religion or the colour of their skin.
Are we not all guilty of this? Don't we all make judgements on the amount of cleavage shown and the appropriateness in any given situation. Likewise the hem height of a skirt. Likewise the amount of hair, muscles and size of the package.
We are all judgemental and in the great scheme of things, I think that I would prefer a person to criticise someone for their dress sense rather than for their gender or sexual orientation or religion or the colour of their skin.
You had to bring boobs into this?!?
Let YOUR utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.
Colossians 4:6