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  1. #91
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Awesome picture!

    @Alan, glad to hear the dizziness has subsided.

    Finally got to an OC practice this week! Almost, almost starting to get the hang of the WFD. So I tried 2 spins. Ummmmm. Yeah...........
    At least I almost made it on the the field.

    I believe @Eclarkhb was starting on the 56#, right?!!

    After practice, back at home after a good lunch, I played around with the caber which I haven't done in like 5 weeks. I'm getting much better with the pick and bringing it in. I only turned it once, but it was when a pack of joggers were going by on the bike path and they looked stunned. Yay!
    Two Thumbs Up!

  2. #92
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodGirlGonePlaid View Post
    Awesome picture!

    @Alan, glad to hear the dizziness has subsided.

    Finally got to an OC practice this week! Almost, almost starting to get the hang of the WFD. So I tried 2 spins. Ummmmm. Yeah...........
    At least I almost made it on the the field.

    I believe @Eclarkhb was starting on the 56#, right?!!

    After practice, back at home after a good lunch, I played around with the caber which I haven't done in like 5 weeks. I'm getting much better with the pick and bringing it in. I only turned it once, but it was when a pack of joggers were going by on the bike path and they looked stunned. Yay!
    Nice job turning the caber!!

    And yes, yesterday was my 1st practice with the 56-lb weight. It's heavy.

  3. #93
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    Re: Off-season training

    SKWAT Daie - this went well, seems as thought I really didn't lose anything with my 3+ week break.

    stretch cage, special attention to groin and inside of right knee
    2-D hip stretches
    stationary bicycle, easy 4 minutes

    Back Squat ... bar x 10 / 2 x 6 x 135 / 6 x 184 / 2 x 225 / 4 x 255 / 2 x 275 / 1 x 285 - very happy with this, lots of volume and 285 is a big number for me. I'm still on track for a 315 or 325 PR first week of February despite getting knocked out of the game for 3 weeks+ from my double-unit blood donation

    Core 1 - hanging leg lifts in captains chair, 15, 10 cheated on the last two
    hamstring curls ... 2 x 10 x 140, threw a few@ 150 in there for giggles
    Core 2 - lat pulls on Roman Chair...2 x 8 x 65 each side
    rowing machine ...easy 1K meters, 4:44

  4. #94
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    Re: Off-season training

    Nice squatting, Alan!

    I'm sort of "tapering" right now to hit some year-end PRs in the weight room the last week of December. I like doing that because I can see exactly what improvement I've made in the past year. Workouts are going well right now and I feel healthy. Set a Rep PR on Bench yesterday, 11x235 on my 7th set at that weight! Very happy!

  5. #95
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    Re: Off-season training

    I got overwhelmed with help requests and last minute software licensing requests so I couldn't get to the gym on Friday. I didn't want to get too far off, though, so I went today after my band finished a street gig downtown.

    PUSH PRESS DAY.... but I didn't have my workout guide, so I just did push presses and then whatever else occurred to me.

    warm up
    Push Press, strict...no legs ....bar x 10 / 8 x 95 / 2 x 6 x 115 / 4 x 135 / 2 x 145 / 2 x 155 ...starting to get a little dicey with my back at that point.

    rack pulls ... tried 'em, first time. did 8 x 135, but they just didn't doit for me. It might have something to do with the adjustability of the rack I'm working in, but no point in doing something that just doesn't make sense...so

    Did some High Pulls .... 2 x 5 x 155, that's heavy for me, 5 x 145
    Russian Twists ... 5 x 5, 12 pound core ball on incline bench

    pull ups...did one measly pull-up and I was done. So I went to the "assisted lift" machine so I could do more. 3 x 2 w 85 lb assist. UGH.

    bar dips ..... 3 x 5, 55 lb assist. These were hard, but fun.
    push ups ... feet on pylo box, hand on wobble boards, 3 x 5

  6. #96
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    Re: Off-season training

    STOKED..... *Hy-ooooge* PR in deadlift today. I after horsing up 275 a few times I decided that today was the day....315. It was easy. So I threw 30 more on there, to 345. Pulled that, it was hard but not bad. So then I threw twenty more on, and pulled a nice 365. Now, that was hard, but I honestly think I've got 375 in the tank right now. That was my goal for six weeks from now.

    I rock, obviously.

    YEAH, BABY! 405 is comin'! Things start getting reasonably respectable around 400, for a guy my size.
    Last edited by Alan H; 19th December 11 at 08:30 PM.

  7. #97
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    Re: Off-season training

    CONGRATS ALAN!!!! Great Job, Man!!!

  8. #98
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    Re: Off-season training

    AWESOME, Alan!!!!

    Wow, that's some swanky gym you work out in!

  9. #99
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    Re: Off-season training

    Good pull, Alan.

    Remember that it's not just the weight on the bar, it's how fast the bar comes up! That's what the Tendo machine is for. Does your fancy gym have one? If so, check it out: Tendo Units

    You might also want to try pulling from different heights, ie. pulls from the floor, from 8" high blocks, from 14" blocks, etc. When pulling from higher than the floor, you can add more weight to the bar and work on speed with bigger loads.

    BTW, Dan John says he's working on updating his "Lifting for Throwers" program that I've been using for the last few years. It will be interesting to see the changes he makes. Looks like he's going to recommend a lot of snatch grip deadlift variations of all sorts...something I've been doing since I started with his program. Am I the test subject? Gotta wonder about that given my success at the 2010 MWC.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  10. #100
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    Re: Off-season training

    No tendo units here. No Oly platform, either. Those are hidden away in the Varsity training room. This is for regular students, faculty and staff. I offered to buy the gym a hex bar, they politely turned me down. Oy....

    I can't really complain. It's STILL a great place to work out and it's FREE.

    Sean Betz wrote out a 6 week cycle for me, so when I get back from the Xmas run to So Cal I'll be starting that. After that, about 5 weeks of Fast, fast, fast and then it's time to start throwing again!

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