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  1. #111
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    So I was Kilted working at the big box store and after clocking out went shopping. I asked an associate to take my pic with my phone. When I pulled it out I discovered the battery had completely discharged!

    Geez ......

    This Challenge remains - Kilted while shopping

  2. #112
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    Yup I was the Scottish Festival all day Saturday, There were vendor booths, but I wanted to give some one else a chance to do this one.
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  3. #113
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    Apologies to Mael, but I AM going to invoke the "non-specificity" clause on this one. Because it does not define or specify what kind of "shopping" is acceptable. So here's a selfie of me shopping on EBay, wearing my Thompson Camel...

    Name:  kiltedshopping.jpg
Views: 371
Size:  123.6 KB

    New challenge: Kilted while clearly* supporting your favourite World Cup football (soccer) team!

    *My definition of "clearly" means: you must include something along the lines of: a national team's jersey (past or current), T-shirt, flag, scarf, or a group of fans/supporters/hooligans who are decked out in supporting kit, etc. Simply being in the team's national colours is NOT ENOUGH. Standing in front of a pub that is decorated for the World Cup is also not quite enough... Because it's the pub that's supporting the team -- not you. But you standing in front of a decorated pub, kilted and IN team colors, with arms above your head, yelling a chant or slogan, WOULD be acceptable (if you can shoot the photo in such a way to make it clear that that's what you're doing). Lol! Sorry for the verbose instructions.

    A team that is not your favourite IS acceptable, but it must be one of the teams that is competing in this year's FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

  4. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Apologies to Mael, but I AM going to invoke the "non-specificity" clause on this one. Because it does not define or specify what kind of "shopping" is acceptable. So here's a selfie of me shopping on EBay, wearing my Thompson Camel... .
    indeed, that was some out of the box thinking, JD! Touché!

  5. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    New challenge: Kilted while clearly* supporting your favourite World Cup football (soccer) team!
    Have to count me out on this one too. For a start I don't think Scotland are in it and I've always said that the best thing about football was it kept people off the streets on a Saturday afternoon. With apologies to my son and grandson who both seem to prefer football to motor sports.
    Last edited by tpa; 20th June 14 at 05:22 AM.
    If you are going to do it, do it in a kilt!

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    New challenge: Kilted while clearly* supporting your favourite World Cup football (soccer) team!

    *My definition of "clearly" means: you must include something along the lines of: a national team's jersey (past or current), T-shirt, flag, scarf, or a group of fans/supporters/hooligans who are decked out in supporting kit, etc. Simply being in the team's national colours is NOT ENOUGH. Standing in front of a pub that is decorated for the World Cup is also not quite enough... Because it's the pub that's supporting the team -- not you. But you standing in front of a decorated pub, kilted and IN team colors, with arms above your head, yelling a chant or slogan, WOULD be acceptable (if you can shoot the photo in such a way to make it clear that that's what you're doing). Lol! Sorry for the verbose instructions.

    I'm surprised this is a challenge that stalled this game. Since the Steelers aren't in the world cup ;) I have no apropos regalia, but one might pose holding a TV playing a world cup game, thus 'supporting' two teams, but don't have a jersey to wear.

  7. #117
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    I did think about taking a photo of myself whilst watching Uruguay vs. England last night, but I didn't have any Uruguay kit, merely my ABE* strip.

    *ABE='Anyone But England'

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  9. #118
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    I see the games playing in Motel lobbies and a few Hispanic stores but I'm just not much of a fan. Certainly no regalia with me as I work my way through Southern Idaho this week.
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  10. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calgacus View Post
    I did think about taking a photo of myself whilst watching Uruguay vs. England last night, but I didn't have any Uruguay kit, merely my ABE* strip.

    *ABE='Anyone But England'
    They are selling ABE stuff at my favourite pub The Caledonian. I was thinking about doing the same thing.

  11. #120
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    Well I thought I would at least give it a go. Of course my favorite team is Mexico, and here is my favorite fan, Maria cheering on her teem, (I think) It was all in Spanish actually I have no Idea who was playing, and I just met Maria. Well her name may not even be Maria. but it could be. So I doubt this will even come close to meeting the criteria So I am not going to pick a new challenge. But I would like to thank this Beautiful lady for posing with me in this picture.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20140620_134549 (Medium).jpg 
Views:	57 
Size:	162.6 KB 
ID:	19572
    I am Matty Ross of the Clan ROSS

  12. The Following 3 Users say 'Aye' to Matty Ross For This Useful Post:

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