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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyButler View Post
    Ya know in real life I am snoring away by now, lol!
    Yeah, but would that have been before or after...?

  2. #122
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    Cutting throats is best done when wearing something water - er - bloodproof.

    You can get those shiny white overalls for spraying noxious chemicals - with the hoods - much better than doing it in your jimjams and spending the next three hours washing.

    They have feet in too - so the fluffy slippers don't get gory.

    Anne the Pleater

    But of course he'll not die - he's the hero - heros only get small superficial cuts.

  3. #123
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    Scene 25

    Secret Headquarters of the KLF

    “What are you talking about?” I asked in confusion.

    “Surprised you, didn’t I?” she answered. “What, did you think ol’ Julie was coming in for a little fun? Is your ego really that big?”

    “No, Julie,” I started.

    “Shut up! Do you really think I would be that stupid? Did you really think I would be crazy enough to sleep with you after what happened? After what you did the last time?”

    “Julie, I,”

    But she wouldn’t let me speak. “And how could you do that to Diane, just TWO DAYS after you married her? Or did you think she wouldn’t find out; that while she and my husband were away on a mission you could do whatever you wanted? Including getting me drunk and taking advantage of me.”

    “I never told her you know,” she continued. “I never told her about what you did to me. I couldn’t; she loved you so much she wouldn’t have believed me anyway. And then you went and got yourself captured and executed. If I had said anything, I would have seemed petty and it would have hurt her needlessly.”

    “But you’re back now,” she said, pressing the knife a little harder against the skin of my neck. “And now I’m free to give you what you deserve; free to get my revenge over what you did to me and my husband.”

    “Husband?” I whispered.

    “Oh, don’t pretend you didn’t know; you worked with him every day. It sure didn’t bother you that night though, did it? All you cared about was that I was drunk and in your bed, just one more notch in your belt. I confessed to him, you know, to my husband. Not for a few days, but the shame was too much for me, I had to tell him, beg for his forgiveness. But he never got the chance to forgive me, did he?”

    “No,” she continued. “He had to go on that mission with you. He was killed defending you and now I can never make it up to him. I can never have back what I had with him.”

    “I took some consolation in knowing that you had been executed,” she said. “Knowing that the universe had evened the score for me. BUT YOU DIDN’T DIE! You just come waltzing back in here like everything is fine and nothing happened. BUT MY HUSBAND IS STILL DEAD, AND YOU, YOU PIECE OF TRASH, ARE STILL ALIVE!!!”

    Suddenly, Mike’s voice came from the door, “Dave, are you okay in there? Your friends told me they heard a noise from your room.”

    “GO AWAY!!” Julie yelled at him.

    “Oh God!” I heard Mike say, “It’s Julie!”

    The door came flying open and Mike and my associates stood at the door.

    Julie kept the knife against my throat. “Get away!” she ordered.

    “We can’t,” Mike said calmly. “We can’t let you do this.”

    “Why not? You know what he did to me; what he did to my husband.”

    “I’m not that man,” I managed to croak out.

    “Don’t give me that,” she snapped. “Are you going to give me some bull about being a changed man? Don’t waste your breath.”

    “He’s telling the truth,” Mike said. “He isn’t the same man. The man who did those things is dead and buried.”

    “What do you mean?” she demanded. “Look at him!”

    “I know it looks like him,” Mike pleaded with her, “But it’s not the same person. This man didn’t do any of those things. That’s not Dave; Dave is dead.”

    Tears were flowing down Julie’s cheeks and her voice was desperate. “It has to be him. I can’t be cheated again.” Despite her words though, the pressure of the knife against my throat was relaxing.

    “I know Julie,” Mike continued, his voice soft, “But if you kill him, you’ll be killing the wrong man.”

    Slowly, the knife fell away from my throat. Mike slowly stepped into the room and took Julie into his arms. As she relaxed in his embrace, he gently took the knife from her. She sobbed as he held her.

    Mike looked over at me. “I think we need to have a meeting,” he said, “To let everyone know about you. We don’t want anything else like this happening.”

    I nodded slowly as Mike led Julie from the room. After I waved that I was okay, my associates also left, closing the door behind them.

    I sagged against the wall and slowly slid to the floor.

    Just what kind of man had my double been?
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post

    Just what kind of man had my double been?
    A player? A playboy? A womanizer? An unmitigated scoundrel?

    All of the above?

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    A player? A playboy? A womanizer? An unmitigated scoundrel?

    All of the above?

    No need to hide, I think you've pretty much nailed it.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  6. #126
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    Okay, no sex or murder? What kinda story is this?!

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12stones View Post
    Okay, no sex or murder? What kinda story is this?!
    ***News Flash***

    In the Halls of X Marks the Scot, the member known as 12stones was found dead, obviously murdered as part of some strange sex ritual.

    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  8. #128
    SexyButler is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    A player? A playboy? A womanizer? An unmitigated scoundrel?

    All of the above?

    My type of man!

  9. #129
    CactusJack is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    He still needs to talk to your brothers first....

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    ***News Flash***

    In the Halls of X Marks the Scot, the member known as 12stones was found dead, obviously murdered as part of some strange sex ritual.

    *mutter* Mama always said, "Be careful what you ask for..."

    Hey, wait... I'm in the story!!! ...kinda.

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