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  1. #131
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude View Post
    Alan, did you see Gary John (Dan's older brother) at the meet?

    He said he was throwing again following hip replacement surgery and the LG All Comers is one of his favorites.
    I didn't see him, but then I didn't make it over the hill to Shaffer Field at 10 AM, and Gary likes to throw hammer, so I suspect he probably stayed at Shaffer to notch his discus and shotput marks. We don't throw hammer at LG, they don't have a cage for it.

    Back to the beginning of the SEAN BETZ SELF IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM...Squat Day

    Stretch Cage
    foam roller...better than I thought it was going to be.

    Back Squat .... 8 x 90 / 6 x 136 / 4 x 225 / 2 x 275 / 4 x 1 x 295....definitely a multi-rep PR there, not that I track these things. I probably took 2-3 minutes between each of the last 4.

    lunges, regular ones (blew off the bosu) .... 2 x 20 steps w/90 pounds .... harder than I thought they were gonna be. Butt feels it
    Core 1 .... Russian Twists on incline board, 12 pound med ball...4 x 10

    and then, just for giggles... sprint phase cable pulls ... 2 x 10 x 40 lbs.

  2. #132
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    Re: Off-season training

    Kit, when I finish Seans 6-weeks, I'm going to try that pin-press thing. Yes, it DOES sound like a stone!.... basically, will try "pin press incline for speed" with probably 135 or 145 on the bar. The goal will be to move it FAST, but not jerk it off the pins.

    I like this....thanks!

  3. #133
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    Re: Off-season training

    Doing "imitations" will help with the stone, too.

    Basically you just act as if you're putting the stone. I do at least 15 reps every day to firmly ingrain the proper technique (lead with the hips, let the shoulder follow, punch the giant, elbow the dwarf, etc.) into muscle memory. Oh, you don't use any weight. Just go through the motion.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  4. #134
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    Re: Off-season training


    BW: 219.6

    Throwing Practice

    Open Stone (12#)
    <-- New, Lighter stone
    18 Standing Throws
    5 Reverses
    5 South Africans
    5 Full Throws

    Extra Light Hammer (11#) <-- New, Lighter Hammer
    Bunch of winds
    5x Full Throws

    Light workout today, wanted to use lighter implements & focus on technique. Stones however really sucked. I couldn't throw the 12# stone any farther than I can throw the 16# stone - only about 37-38'. So something's messed up. But it could be lack of sleep last night (5-6 hours) and the fact that I had a big pressing workout yesterday.

    Winding the lighter hammer felt pretty good. Focused on my hips...Need to do this a bunch more. Threw the 11# hammer over 100'...but I muscled it...

  5. #135
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    Re: Off-season training

    Don't worry too much how far the extra light hammer flies. It's more important that you are able to wind faster and keep your balance. That's the goal of training with the underweight implement.

    Next time you start winding with the 16#, it will feel slow and you will try to go faster. As long as you're not "arm-winding" to go faster, the hammer will go further.

    Wind with your hips, not your arms.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  6. #136
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    Re: Off-season training

    Back to it.

    stationary bicycle ... 4min warmup
    stretch cage

    incline db press ... 2 x 8 x 55 *Fast* / 2 x 6 x 65 / 3 x 75, 2 x 75 ... burned myself up with the 55's
    OHP, strict ... 8 x 115 / 6 x 135 / 3 x 1 x 155 ...no gas after the inclines

    pullups .... 4, 3, 2, 1.5 ten and a half pullups with 85 pound assist
    upright rows ... 6 x 105 oops / 2 x 6 x 90

    tried some bar dips, hahahahaha. NOT... 2 x 4

  7. #137
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    Re: Off-season training


    The Bear:
    1x8x65 (warmup)
    17" Snatch Grip Dead & Shrug: (Height of bar is 17" from deck, i.e. 3" below kneecap)
    Incline Pin Press:
    1x10x45 (bottom position)
    3x3x95-135-155 (bottom position)
    1x5x230 (high position)
    1x3x250 (high position)
    1x2x265 (high postion) - Add more weight next time
    Core Blaster:
    Hanging Knee Raise:
    Short Range Chin Up:
    Dan John Power Curl:
    2x2-3-5-10x75 (40 reps total)
    1x2-3x75 (5 reps total)
    Good Morning:

    Playlist: Lifting Music For Scots
    Real McKenzies - Real McKenzies Stompin' Intro
    Tempest - Battle Mountain Breakdown
    Crofters - Scotland The Brave
    Enter The Haggis - Lancaster Gate
    Wolfstone - Psycho Woman
    Town Pants - Weight Of Words
    Tempest - Slippery Slide
    Ceili Rain - 666 Degrees
    Ed Miller - Prince Of Darkness
    Tempest - Dance Of The Sand Witches
    Runrig - Alba
    Wolfstone - Maggie's
    Tempest - Wizard's Walk
    John McFayden - Lament For Mary MacLeod (Piobaireachd)

    "When asked what he thought about when he struck
    out, Babe Ruth replied "Hitting home runs".

    Only one of the medals hanging on the Motivation Board is a gold, get it?
    At least it was for the IGHF Caber Championship.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

  8. #138
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    Re: Off-season training

    Coach Alan was kind enough to send me a bunch of youtube links, giving me a great intro into strength training.

    I tried many of them on a Sat.

    My weights are light, I'm dainty ya'll.

    hip carry squats, shoulder carry squats, over the head squats.
    14#x 37 reps (split into 3 sets)

    kettlebell sumo dead lift high pull.
    20# x 30 (split into 3 sets)

    kettlebell snatch lift
    14# x 37 (split into 3 sets) each hand

    Russian twists
    3 x20
    and the other usual ab stuff.

    Ran on Sunday.
    I can't move today.

    So,yay!!! It works.
    Thanks coach!

  9. #139
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    Re: Off-season training

    Quote Originally Posted by o1d_dude;1058099
    Playlist: Lifting Music For Scots[/B]
    Real McKenzies - Real McKenzies Stompin' Intro
    Tempest - Battle Mountain Breakdown
    Crofters - Scotland The Brave
    Enter The Haggis - Lancaster Gate
    Wolfstone - Psycho Woman
    Town Pants - Weight Of Words
    Tempest - Slippery Slide
    Ceili Rain - 666 Degrees
    Ed Miller - Prince Of Darkness
    Tempest - Dance Of The Sand Witches
    Runrig - Alba
    Wolfstone - Maggie's
    Tempest - Wizard's Walk
    John McFayden - Lament For Mary MacLeod (Piobaireachd)

    Love that you included a playlist!! I'll have to check these tunes out.

  10. #140
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    Re: Off-season training

    Glad you liked the playlist. You can find most of these either on Amazon's mp3 store or on iTunes.

    Being dainty is all well and good provided you have mostly lean body mass. One of our young women throwers started out weighing about 105 soaking wet. Now 10 years into the games, she's probably about 125-130 lbs and presents a good athletic appearance while still being "dainty". I personally have seen her pick 100 lb cabers.

    Stick with your routine. Consistency pays big dividends.

    'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp

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