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  1. #161
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    It has been a while since I have seen a thread grow so quickly!

    I love the dandylion idea. Everyone forgot to mention that the little plant is TOUGH!

    As for battle cries, the only battles I have been in lately have been with boredom, frustration, and self-discipline. Some how 'It's a KILT' sounds as fun as anything.

    The "Are we a Clan" debate is fun. I am sort of leaning torward the "If it walks like a duck,,," way of thinking. IMHO, no one needs to 'recognize' a group which I chose to belong to. As a whole I would not hesitate to sit down over a cuppa with ANY member of this forum. Not something I can say about the little town I live in.

    "By Choice, not Blood" pretty well sums up my feeling about this place.

    Thanks for your patience and tolerence, EVERYBODY!


  2. #162
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    I think that while this discussion is a lot of fun, that we need to remember that it is just that...fun. A few have pointed out that it would be an international clan society or fictional clan, like Clan MacBubba, etc. That is dead on. It's a social clan and a good one at that.

    It's a great sense of pride to all of us here, but I don't want to see someone getting upset when a Highland Games Clan tent organizer fails to recongize "Clan Xmarks". So by all means let's contiue the fun, but let's remember that it will not fit in the traditional definition of a clan. As long as we accept that some will not see it as a clan in the traditional sense, than we are all good.

    Also, I think that a simple "Freedom" (not yelled like Mel Gibson, but simple stated like a toast) would be the best choice for a battle cry. It shows our unity, our class, our diversity, and our love for the breeze between the knees

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    Also, I think that a simple "Freedom" (not yelled like Mel Gibson, but simple stated like a toast) would be the best choice for a battle cry. It shows our unity, our class, our diversity, and our love for the breeze between the knees
    I like that. But we can yell it if we want to, right?
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove View Post
    I like that. But we can yell it if we want to, right?
    Right, Dave!
    How could we deny our heritage and the famed yell of the Highland Charge! Jim Webb, in his book, Born Fighting (an account of the Scots-Irish contribution to the building of the USA) states the Rebel Yell of the Confederate forces in the War Between The States was southern Scots -Irish descendants using an adopted Highland Charge yell.

    But yes, it toasting to FREEDOM with a wee dram the quieter cry would be appropriate.

  5. #165
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by emalcolmjr View Post
    Right, Dave!
    How could we deny our heritage and the famed yell of the Highland Charge! Jim Webb, in his book, Born Fighting (an account of the Scots-Irish contribution to the building of the USA) states the Rebel Yell of the Confederate forces in the War Between The States was southern Scots -Irish descendants using an adopted Highland Charge yell.

    But yes, it toasting to FREEDOM with a wee dram the quieter cry would be appropriate.
    Hmm...I wouldn't put too much stock in that story. The Ulster-Scots, most Lowlanders in origin, rarely adopted anything from the "Wild Highlanders". The former viewed the latter much like they did their Native American opponents on the frontier.

    The late historian Grady McWhiney proposed the same theory in his book Attack and Die: Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Hertiage. McWhiney and others propose that the Confederate soldier was somehow the heir apparent of the Jacobite clansman at Culloden, yet fail to mention that many Scots and Ulster Scots and their descendants fought for the North.

    Webb's book is more personal observation; I recommend Leyburn's The Scotch-Irish: a social history for a more reliable examination of the Scots-Irish in early America. Celeste Ray's Highland Heritage also examines the "connection" between the Scots and the Southerner, and takes a more critical look at McWhiney's theories.



  6. #166
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    I'm astonished! Been away from the internet for a couple of days (visiting the family in Arkansas) . . . Just connected to the net and there is this thread. Jamie, thanks for starting it. I have said on a number of occasions when folk ask, "What is that tartan?" "It's Xmarks, a kind of on-line clan." Of course, it has grown to "more" than online with the kilt nights, members visiting each other, tartan, badge etc. So, I agree, we are "clanlike" at least. Love the "choice, not blood" idea. Love the dandelion idea. Well done all for a creative conversation.
    Andy in Ithaca, NY
    Exile from Northumberland

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot View Post
    Hmm...I wouldn't put too much stock in that story. The Ulster-Scots, most Lowlanders in origin, rarely adopted anything from the "Wild Highlanders". The former viewed the latter much like they did their Native American opponents on the frontier.

    The late historian Grady McWhiney proposed the same theory in his book Attack and Die: Civil War Military Tactics and the Southern Hertiage. McWhiney and others propose that the Confederate soldier was somehow the heir apparent of the Jacobite clansman at Culloden, yet fail to mention that many Scots and Ulster Scots and their descendants fought for the North.

    Webb's book is more personal observation; I recommend Leyburn's The Scotch-Irish: a social history for a more reliable examination of the Scots-Irish in early America. Celeste Ray's Highland Heritage also examines the "connection" between the Scots and the Southerner, and takes a more critical look at McWhiney's theories.


    Thanks, Todd for your information. I'll definitely put Leyland's book on my to read list. That's the sad part of Civil War; brother against brother.

  8. #168
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    Well, are we going to pick a fight?

  9. #169
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    With who? Will whisky be served?

  10. #170
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    Not I!

    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Well, are we going to pick a fight?
    Not, I. I'll turn the check or run away to fight another day!

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