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  1. #171
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    Ooooh, here we go!

    Hope you had a good vacation, btw!
    http://www.cfgriffith.com/ - Learning to sew (historical costuming), and getting back to art by drawing fan art of Middle Earth dwarves.
    | D/FW TX Social Group | The Ladies of XMTS |

  2. #172
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    I'm glad it was vacation that kept you away for a while. Did you enjoy yourself?
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  3. #173
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    Scene 58

    We floated for hours, letting the waves move us. We had no way of knowing whether we were being pushed towards land or further out to sea. The sun beat down on us as we clung to the ruined boat.

    “I think I see something!” Gerald said to us.

    We all looked in the direction he indicated, desperately hoping for anything that could get us out of our predicament.

    I scanned the horizon, not seeing anything, when the Wrecker echoed Gerald’s claim. “There it is!”

    I again examined the horizon and finally saw what my companions had seen. It was small, but there was a spot on the horizon, something different from the endless expanse of water. And it seemed to slowly, almost imperceptibly, grow larger, meaning it was moving closer.

    As we all watched the object slowly grew larger in size as it neared us. As is drew closer, it shape became clearer to us and we could see that it was a sleek, metal yacht. We desperately began to call out, hoping we could gain the attention of anyone on board.

    Our efforts were soon rewarded as we began to see the shapes of men aboard, several of them standing at the rail and pointing in our direction. The yacht slowly changed course to come towards us. We could see frantic activity on the deck as the crew quickly prepared to rescue us.

    As the ship pulled alongside us, the crew threw out flotation devices tied to ropes. Gerald caught the first rope and clung to it, wrapping the rope around a projection from our boat, securing our craft to the ship. We quickly caught the other ropes and, one by one, we were pulled up onto the deck.

    The crew quickly moved to wrap blankets around us as we quickly removed our wet clothes. Fortunately, the sea from which we had been pulled was warm, almost tropical.

    The crew parted and a man approached us. “So,” he said to us, “it seems we have pulled some fish from the sea. What should we do with them men?” The man’s English was good, but the accent was decidedly French. The men all laughed at the man’s words.

    “Please, sir,” I implored. “We were capsized by a storm. We ask only that you get us to shore.”

    The man looked us over closely. I couldn’t make out the man’s face, but something was familiar behind the beard he wore. His left eye had a very unnatural sheen to it, almost mechanical. I also noticed something very unusual about his right hand; it was made of metal.

    “And how will you pay for this service?” he asked me.

    “I don’t know,” I answered. “Anything we had is probably at the bottom of the ocean by now. We are on a mission and must travel light.”

    The man perked up at my words. “A mission you say; I am looking for someone to help them on their mission. Tell me, what is your name?”

    I looked again at the man in front of me. I was beginning to recognize the voice I heard and, even though it was masked by the beard over it, I could also begin to make out the face. It was the face of a man I knew well in another world. Could I trust this man?

    I had to. “My name is David Dove.”

    The man’s face broke into a big smile. “Monsieur Dove, you are the man I am looking for!” He extended the metallic hand to shake my own. “My name is Robert; welcome aboard the Lady Chrystel.”
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #174
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    hmmmm.....sounds like everyone is going to be involved in this by the end.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  5. #175
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    Ohiopiper squirms in his chair and exclaims "Pick me! Pick me!" Just don't shoot me when you shoot Livingston.

    Great. Now I'll be introduced and knifed. Or garrotted. Or poisoned.

    On second thought, I'd like to sit this one out.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

  6. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiopiper View Post
    Ohiopiper squirms in his chair and exclaims "Pick me! Pick me!" Just don't shoot me when you shoot Livingston.

    Great. Now I'll be introduced and knifed. Or garrotted. Or poisoned.

    On second thought, I'd like to sit this one out.
    Or maybe Livingston shoot's Ohiopiper?
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  7. #177
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livingston View Post
    Or maybe Livingston shoot's Ohiopiper?
    .....but Greg you'd be shooting him while you're falling out of a tree and into a stampeding herd of elephants.

    Oops, I hope I'm not giving Dave any ideas.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  8. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by starbkjrus View Post
    .....but Greg you'd be shooting him while you're falling out of a tree and into a stampeding herd of elephants.

    Oops, I hope I'm not giving Dave any ideas.
    Elephants! EEExcellent!!!!
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  9. #179
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    [Sarcastic mode]Oh, thanks Dee. That helps.[Sarcastic mode/] With friends like you who needs..... never mind.

    As long as I land on the top of one AND stay there, it won't be too bad......I think.
    Greg Livingston
    Clan MacLea (Livingstone)

  10. #180
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    And I'm just staying away so I don't get shot by Livingston or trampled by elephants. I hear that with modern medical care, the odds of surviving a gunshot are about 80 percent. But I assume Livingston will shoot twice. And elephants? I know when I'm outmatched.

    You know, after some of the other boards I find myself on, this one is a welcome drop of good humor in a world of bickering and genital comparison.

    A public thank you to all of you for being well mannered, well spoken and in general pretty good folks.
    I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?

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