28th November 10, 01:47 AM
Now then Mr Livingston, could you please remember to put my gin in a safe place and leave directions with Mr Dove, BEFORE being shot, squashed by elephants, falling off a cliff, tripping over the bath mat, bitten by a venomous snake, eaten by crocodiles, or any other, er well, major life threatening incident of yours.
" Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the adherence of idle minds and minor tyrants". Field Marshal Lord Slim.
28th November 10, 04:25 AM
 Originally Posted by ohiopiper
You know, after some of the other boards I find myself on, this one is a welcome drop of good humor in a world of bickering and genital comparison.
A public thank you to all of you for being well mannered, well spoken and in general pretty good folks.
Oh drat - does that mean I shouldn't suggest gnus as a substitute for elephants?
Ah well - no gnus is - er - hmmmm
Anne the pleater :ootd:
29th November 10, 11:50 AM
 Originally Posted by Jock Scot
Now then Mr Livingston, could you please remember to put my gin in a safe place and leave directions with Mr Dove, BEFORE being shot, squashed by elephants, falling off a cliff, tripping over the bath mat, bitten by a venomous snake, eaten by crocodiles, or any other, er well, major life threatening incident of yours.
Now Mr. Scot, I thought I had already informed you that should something drastic happen I have left explicit instructions on the delivery of your gin. I did review those instructions today with the appropriate team and they are ready to deliver should the need occur.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
2nd December 10, 10:00 AM
Ms. Pleater, surely you've heard that no gnus is good gnus. So, please, no gnus.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
3rd December 10, 02:23 AM
Suggesting gnus - it was a dilemma.
But there's good gnus and bad gnus.
Anne the Pleater :ootd:
13th December 10, 08:43 AM
Scene 59
“I was only told that I would find a man named Dove along with his companions at the coordinates where you were found,” Robert explained to me as we sat around the table.
I took another sip of the coffee he had provided. “Who gave you this information?”
“Oddly enough, it was a priest. I don’t normally have much use for the minions of the Cyberpope, but father Arnold has always been honest with me.”
“The Cyberpope?”
“You don’t know of the Cyberpope?”
“We’re not from here, remember?”
“Ah yes, other worlds, it is all so unbelievable, like something from a story. Pope Jean the First, the Cyberpope, has corrupted the church to his own ends. He has used the technology of cybernetics to enslave the people. Anyone who disagrees with him or his teachings is labeled a heretic and given to the Inquisition.”
“Is this Father Arnold also a part of the church?”
Robert shook his head. “In name only; he works from the inside to try and reform the church, but he is one small voice in the hierarchy and is unlikely to rise any higher without following the Cyberpope’s agenda. He must take small steps to avoid being labeled a heretic himself.”
“Did Father Arnold give you any instructions on where to take me?”
“Only that I should take you to the mainland.”
Just then, one of Robert’s crew entered the room. “Captain, Jean Pierre says you should come to the Communications Room. He says there is something you should see.”
Robert quickly got up and left the room. The rest of us followed in his wake.
Jean Pierre turned out to be a young man of about twenty, who sat before a large bank of monitors and panels. He wore a silvered visor over his eyes and I could see light playing across its surface. Also, a cable ran from the arm of the chair where he sat up to his neck, where the cable was plugged into a socket at the base of his skull.
“What is it?” Robert asked him.
Jean Pierre’s hands rapidly typed on the console before him. “Take a look at this.”
As he worked, a large screen came to life and an image began to form. It resolved into a picture of Robert and we could hear an announcement. “… Captain of the Lady Chrystel and confirmed heretic. In his company will be a group of suspected heretics who are wanted for questioning by the Inquisition. True believers will immediately give any information they possess to the nearest Church Police. Any who hesitate to provide information will be charged with heresy.”
Steven turned to me. “What does this mean?”
“It means they knew we were coming and they know we’re here,” I answered.
Robert looked at me. “But how? I only just found you.”
I shook my head. “I don’t know. My entire journey, they seem to be one step ahead of me. Everywhere I go the forces against me have been waiting. Somehow they know where we are going before we do, like someone is warning them.”
“But who?” the Wrecker asked.
“I don’t know.”
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
7th January 11, 11:21 PM
Any more news from our intrepid group aboard The Lady Chrystel?
I eagerly await updates.
I wish I believed in reincarnation. Where's Charles Martel when you need him?
8th January 11, 03:03 AM
My hand WAS feeling a bit stiff these last few weeks... 
Robert Amyot-MacKinnon
10th January 11, 09:31 AM
 Originally Posted by ohiopiper
Any more news from our intrepid group aboard The Lady Chrystel?
I eagerly await updates.
Keep it down!!!! The Inquisition is listening to everything!!!
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
10th January 11, 12:18 PM
The longer this quiet goes on, the longer I stay in one piece.
Greg Livingston
Clan MacLea (Livingstone)
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