Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
I've just bought this series on DVD although it will be a couple of weeks before I can get home and watch some of it. A number of the online reviews criticise it for the parts that it omits and intimate that it's not a true history, but an anglisised version presented by a token Scotsman to give greater authenticity to the English lies... I'll reserve judgement till I've seen it myself.

I like Neil Oliver's delivery, I particularly enjoyed his contributions to the BBC series "Coast". (A fascinating insight into the Coastline of Britain. I'd recommend that as well if you haven't already given it a shufti). I also bought his "A History of Ancient Britain: Series 1" and "A History of Ancient Britain: Celtic Britain" at the same time so it shall be a proper history-fest on my next trip away... There's not much else to do in the evenings if you don't do East-Enders and Corrie (British soaps, in case you don't know).
I hope you'll enjoy them. I did enjoy the lot.

To the critics
How I hate people who can't accept that history is not what they want it to be but something that happened to many people with different backgrounds. We see that the human brain doesn't work that well when it comes to names or the colour of a car involved with an accident. How should we remember stuff that did not even happen to us? The records we have give us a hint but maybe we lost the better records or the one we have might even be a forgery.
This series is "A History of Scotland" not "The one and only true History, that tells all of it in 6 hours without any mistake or false fact not even in good faith presented as such, of Scotland".

Anyway enjoy. I did.