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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    I was able to find a good deal on a Zenithink ZT-180 (details here: http://zenithink.us/zenithink-zt-180...blet-p-28.html) Android tablet PC. Locally in Japan it cost me only $150USD (shipping in) and I get it in 3-5 days, meaning I can get it all set up and kinks worked out before I give it to her.... Any "tech" gift she gets MUST come with comprehensive tech support by yours truly, so I'll take advantage of any remaining time before the holidays to figure things out.

    Additionally, she'll be able to sit on the couch and use the device, which is far more comfortable than the setup we have now.
    Wow, That's a great Xmas gift idea. I looked it up here in Norway, thinking it could be a great gift for my wife too, but the price is about $500 . If I wore to order it from the US it would cost me about $300 incl tax and shipping. Man, I live in one of the worlds most expensive countries.........
    Kilted Norwegian

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oddern View Post
    Wow, That's a great Xmas gift idea. I looked it up here in Norway, thinking it could be a great gift for my wife too, but the price is about $500 . If I wore to order it from the US it would cost me about $300 incl tax and shipping. Man, I live in one of the worlds most expensive countries.........
    Oddern: try aliexpress.com It is the retail division of Alibaba. There is a HUGE "caveat emptor" disclaimer (buyer be ware) as you may be doing business with some dodgy Chinese companies. On the flip side, however, many of the sellers DO realize they have a less than stellar reputation, and therefore almost universally offer escrow service.

    I've done business through them on a couple of occasions, with mixed results. But if you get lucky, you may be able to get a fairly decent deal, shipped to Norway for $200 or less. Again, look into it -- don't order from the U.S. when the product is coming from China in the first place. ith:

    At this point, however, shipping from China may not arrive in time for Christmas unless you opt for more expensive courier-based shipping, which may also affect your customs/duty total.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ali8780 View Post
    Does she have a hobby of some sort you can capitalize on? Are you creative and can you make her something?

    I'm in your boat though, I have no idea what to get my husband (especially since we put a moratorium on gifts this year).
    Interesting question! I am a hobbyist woodworker and I have already started on a new jewelry case for my wife! I also plan to fill it with some wooden trinkets (bracelets, earrings, brooches, and such).
    "just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
    Clan Maclachlan
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  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    The land title one isn't bad either... That's a novelty item though, right? You don't get any legal entitlements/titles/benefits or anything from that, do you?
    From what I understand technically it is valid for the title Laird or Lady but Amy doesn't take it seriously. We do own the land (all 100 square feet) and within the law we can do what we would like with it but again it is more of the idea.

    Since American citizens are banded from having a title it is just a fun thing. Being in Japan (not sure from other posts if you have changed your citizzenship from Canadian) you wife might be able to legally use it.

    Since we hang around the Ren Fairs it does add a bit more fun to her persona.


  5. #15
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    I'm a bit older than you CDNSushi, so let me give you a word of advice gleaned from years of learning from one's mistakes:

    1) Do NOT get your wife and girlfriend the same gift.
    2) Do NOT get the gifts for your wife and your girlfriend mixed up.

    Just kidding.
    [I][B]Ad fontes[/B][/I]

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitpete View Post
    I'm a bit older than you CDNSushi, so let me give you a word of advice gleaned from years of learning from one's mistakes:

    1) Do NOT get your wife and girlfriend the same gift.
    2) Do NOT get the gifts for your wife and your girlfriend mixed up.

    Just kidding.

    "To wives and sweethearts - may they never meet."

    Seriously, Jim, I'm more practical than I am romantic. I give my wife a card on the day (Christmas, birthday, whatever) that says that she gets to choose her skirt in whatever tartan she wants. Then I measure her () and we order it after the fact. It always fits that way.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    Well, I HAD to make a decision today -- or risk not being done by Christmas.... Ali made a very lucid suggestion about hobbies & interests, but she rarely every seems to find time to pursue them...

    So, I took the "work" route instead. I remember her telling me that she wanted some kind of MID that she could use discreetly at work. A laptop takes up too much space, and she doesn't want to be seen constantly fiddling around with her iphone... Apple's iPads are out of our price range though. This will hopefully fit that bill nicely... And a happy wife at work translates to a happy wife at home! (I hope).

    I was able to find a good deal on a Zenithink ZT-180 (details here: http://zenithink.us/zenithink-zt-180...blet-p-28.html) Android tablet PC. Locally in Japan it cost me only $150USD (shipping in) and I get it in 3-5 days, meaning I can get it all set up and kinks worked out before I give it to her.... Any "tech" gift she gets MUST come with comprehensive tech support by yours truly, so I'll take advantage of any remaining time before the holidays to figure things out.

    Additionally, she'll be able to sit on the couch and use the device, which is far more comfortable than the setup we have now.

    I hope I didn't make a mistake in my conjecturing, and that she'll be happy with her gift.
    That sounds like a great gift, I think you've done well!

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ali8780 View Post
    Does she have a hobby of some sort you can capitalize on? Are you creative and can you make her something?

    I'm in your boat though, I have no idea what to get my husband (especially since we put a moratorium on gifts this year).
    The best gift Mrs. Legba ever got me was a Urinal for the Garage on our Anniversary.
    With your moratorium, you can just list it as home improvement?

  9. #19
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    CDN Sushi....Geek or not, get her a Kindle. My wife won't put hers down. But she is a heavy reader. Good luck.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    12 days

    CDN, you might consider 12 days of gifts. The 12 days of Christmas run from Christmas Day until Epiphany. This presents may advantages, the first being that everybody else thinks Christmas ends on 12/25 ( or 25/12) and things go on sale. But there are plenty of other advantages, like the continuing theme, the chance to plan ahead, and opportunities to learn immediately from your um, LESS SUCCESSFUL days. One of the 12 days is New Year's Eve and you can give her something connected to that. I believe there was a song about the 12 days'. You might follow examples from there...
    Some take the high road and some take the low road. Who's in the gutter? MacLowlife

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