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4th February 04
Tasmania, Australia
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Hi Stuart, I mentioned on our celtic radio broadcast just a few hours ago what a strong love for it's celtic heritage Canada seems to have.
I was playing a track by Wicked Tinkers, a Canadian/Scottish band.
Then there is Loreena McKennitt, who is simply the best celtic voice to come out of Canada.
Thank you for the compliment about us Canadians it's really nice hear that our celtic music scene is getting better all the time here is are a few bands to check out I'm in class right now so I haven't got the web links but do search and check them out, Spirit of the West, Dole Tinkers, Mudmen, Empty Flask, Real Mckenzies,and the Glengarry Bhoys, oh yeah the Tartan Terror, and not to forget Enter the Haggis, enjoy