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Thread: Cider...

  1. #11
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    The bar I work at has Strongbow on tap.

    I'm going to brew a cider later this week...I'll probably pick up some yeast on Friday. I'll tell you in four weeks how it turns out.


  2. #12
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    For all you cider lovers: If you ever go to Asturias, Spain, have some. Asturias is famoues for it. Just make sure to ask for "sidra" instead.

  3. #13
    M. A. C. Newsome is offline

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    I see we have another MacQuarrie on the list! Welcome!

  4. #14
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    I am a big fan of Woodchuck Amber. When I spent 3 weeks in Germany a few years ago we found an irish pub in Heidleberg that had Strongbow on tap. I drank a few and enjoyed a day in the city.

    As for local cider options Woodchuck is only found in Krogers. Hornesby is in the Walmarts but I do not care for it.

    This weekend I went to the Virginia Wine and Garlic Festival at Rebec Vinyards. I sampled some non-alcoholic ciders from Saunders Orchards. They had Muscadine, Peach, Blackberry, and Scuppernog ciders that was unreal. My Fiance and I have been looking for non-alcoholic beverages for our wedding. At 4.50 a bottle we were sold. I picked up a bottle of each for my family to sample.

    I did see one kilted gentleman at the festival. I did not go kilted as the place was a muddy mess from the rain.


  5. #15
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    After a few trips to Eire, I have grown quite fond of Bulmers. Since it is impossible to find here in the US in its alter-ego Magners, and since it does not travel well to the states (i.e. the US version just doesn't cut it), I find myself grabbing a Strongbow when I can find it. I have never found the taste for Woodchuck...maybe I am not getting the right variety....

    In the past, I would drive to the outskirts of Baltimore to grab some Magners, but since it is only available in bottle, it is not worth the trip anymore...

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hosehead
    After a few trips to Eire, I have grown quite fond of Bulmers. Since it is impossible to find here in the US in its alter-ego Magners, and since it does not travel well to the states (i.e. the US version just doesn't cut it), I find myself grabbing a Strongbow when I can find it. I have never found the taste for Woodchuck...maybe I am not getting the right variety....

    In the past, I would drive to the outskirts of Baltimore to grab some Magners, but since it is only available in bottle, it is not worth the trip anymore...
    Thank you! I was trying to remember the cider that we were drinking besides Strongbow. Bulmers was actually a bit better than Strongbow in my opinion.

  7. #17
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    btw, Strongbow Cider takes its name from the Norman Richard de Clare, a Norman knight known to his men as "Strongbow". He is most famous for his invasion of Ireland in 1169 after being invited to Erie by Diarmuid MacMorrough, king of Leinster. Strongbow's invasion began the Anglo-Norman period of Irish history, and introduced many "Irish" surnames, such as Fitzpatrick, Fitzwilliam, Fitzgerald, etc.

    The Normans were quite fond of Cider, and brought it to England with them. Calvados, the apple brandy, originates in Normandy.



  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by usndoc
    This weekend I went to the Virginia Wine and Garlic Festival at Rebec Vinyards. I sampled some non-alcoholic ciders from Saunders Orchards. They had Muscadine, Peach, Blackberry, and Scuppernog ciders that was unreal. My Fiance and I have been looking for non-alcoholic beverages for our wedding. At 4.50 a bottle we were sold. I picked up a bottle of each for my family to sample.
    The Virginia Wine Festival always has a booth with non-alcoholic cider available. It's always been exceptional and a nice treat after sampling the wines.
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  9. #19
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    M.A.C. Newsome, thanks. I have not yet legally changed it but I am starting the process to make Cormac MacGuardhe my legal name. I want to honor my Highland ancestors. My grandmother was Flora MacQuarrie born in Renfrew. I decided to use a more Gaelic spelling of the last name.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cajunscot
    Fall is here in the Ozarks, and this young man's thoughts are turning to...cider! :mrgreen:

    Is anyone else a "ciderhead"? I prefer Woodchuck Cider from Vermont, but Woodpecker is nae sae bad either. I know Colin likes Strongbow, but it's difficult to find here in SW Missouri, like many other things...sigh.
    Here's my thoughts: Woodchuck is sweet enough to choke a horse and overcarbonated enough to, well, use your imagination.

    As for commercial ciders, Woodpecker has been my favorite, up until I got a case of it recently after not having had it in years. They list ingredients now. It's like a frickin sofa-pop. The ingredients consist of hard cider, water, corn syrup, etc etc... NO NO NO! Cider is: Apples, yeast. THATS IT! Ok, maybe sweeten it with something, and to do that you need some sulfites. (I'm a brewer, made lots of cider... need to add potassium metabisulfate to kill off the yeast so it doesnt eat the sugar you add to sweeten it)

    Other reviews: "K" Cider - just had it a few weeks ago, very good. This may supplant my love for Woodpecker after reading how woodpecker is made.

    Cider Jack tastes like soda to me as well, crappy.

    Ace Pear Cider is HEAVENLY. Made from pears, not apples.

    My lord. It's been so long since I BOUGHT cider I dont remember the names of many other brands

    I drink what I brew. I just kegged 2 days ago a Caramel Apple Ale - it should be fantastic. It's a 60% heavy malt caramel colored moderately hopped ale, 40% cider, fermented together. Added some cinnamon for fun. As of kegging it tasted very much like cider and not very much like beer (amazing how 40% cider can overpower the beer side of it) so when I make it again I'll have to try an 80/20 split. Tonight I tap the keg and give it a try.

    My favorite cider is my Peach cider... it's a hard apple cider sweetened with Welch's White Grape Peach juice concentrate. THAT is good stuff.

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