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  1. #11
    Graham's Avatar
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    Wow that's a loud tartan, I like the MacFarlane hunting Ancient much better.
    Still, after that much whisky, any tartan would look great ;)

    I wish I could have been there sampling those fine whiskies. I'm not surprised you chose Ardbeg over laphroaig, you always did have a leaning there.

    Having bought only today my first bottle of laphroaig I'm not yet able to compare, I'm waiting on a couple of bottles of Ardbeg on order.

    My wife is saying all I care about is kilts and whisky, now why would the woman say such a thing David??

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    My wife is saying all I care about is kilts and whisky, now why would the woman say such a thing David??
    Are you sure they aren't twins. My wife tells says the same thing. adding Sporrans on the end ....Still got to luv 'um really ;-)
    All the Best.....David.
    Why be part of the crowd Choose a Freelander Sporran
    A Member of the Caledonian Society of Norway
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham
    My wife is saying all I care about is kilts and whisky, now why would the woman say such a thing David??
    Seems like a common theme is affecting the women of the world. It would seem like they have developed a condition that makes them perceive something wrong with having kilts and whisky on the brain

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