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  1. #11
    Southern Breeze's Avatar
    Southern Breeze is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Here's the receipe from Good Eats. This great when hiking. :grin:

    Hot Cocoa

    2 cups powdered sugar
    1 cup cocoa (Dutch-process preferred)
    2 1/2 cups powdered milk
    1 teaspoon salt
    2 teaspoons cornstarch
    1 pinch cayenne pepper, or more to taste
    Hot water

    Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and incorporate evenly. In a small pot, heat 4 to 6 cups of water.

    Fill your mug half full with the mixture and pour in hot water. Stir to combine. Seal the rest in an airtight container, keeps indefinitely in the pantry. This also works great with warm milk.

  2. #12
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    Why is chocolate better than sex?

    1) You can have it in front of your parents.
    2) You can bite the nuts and no one cares.
    3) Nobody starts rumors about who you shared chocolate with.
    4) People of the same sex can share chocolate without being called names.
    5) The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
    6) Chocolate is satisfying even if it's gone soft.
    7) No matter what kind of chocolate you like, it's legal.
    8) You can have chocolate with a whole group of friends without being obscene.
    9) If you have to pay for your chocolate, it's not too expensive.
    10) Chocolate is just as attractive when you're sober.
    11) A big piece of chocolate lasts longer, but even a small piece is satisfying.
    12) You can have chocolate in the office without upsetting your co-workers.
    13) It's easy to GET chocolate any time you want!!!

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove
    I've been known to put cocoa powder into a pot of chili. Same principle, but in the opposite direction. The cocoa gives the chili a richness that is wonderful.8-)
    Interesting concept; I'm gonna have to try that next time.

    How much would you throw in for... say, a two quart pots worth? (I'll start small, before filling the 25 qt. cauldron I usually use! ;)) Are we talking teaspoons, or half-cups?

  4. #14
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    I'm going to have fun making this, perhaps have a glass or two of Lagavulin whilst mixing the ingredients - should be fun.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by 646guy
    Why is chocolate better than sex?

    1) You can have it in front of your parents.
    2) You can bite the nuts and no one cares.
    3) Nobody starts rumors about who you shared chocolate with.
    4) People of the same sex can share chocolate without being called names.
    5) The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
    6) Chocolate is satisfying even if it's gone soft.
    7) No matter what kind of chocolate you like, it's legal.
    8) You can have chocolate with a whole group of friends without being obscene.
    9) If you have to pay for your chocolate, it's not too expensive.
    10) Chocolate is just as attractive when you're sober.
    11) A big piece of chocolate lasts longer, but even a small piece is satisfying.
    12) You can have chocolate in the office without upsetting your co-workers.
    13) It's easy to GET chocolate any time you want!!!
    Like it, I will go and show it to the wife now and see what she thinks - probably agree!
    Patrick :-D

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iolaus
    Interesting concept; I'm gonna have to try that next time.

    How much would you throw in for... say, a two quart pots worth? (I'll start small, before filling the 25 qt. cauldron I usually use! ;)) Are we talking teaspoons, or half-cups?
    What? You think I measure?;) I just open up the can and sprinkle some in. It might be a quarter cup for two quarts. Start small, you can always add more if you like it. And I'll have to admit, I don't think I've made two pots of chili the same way my whole life.

    I got the idea from mole sauces, which often have a bit of chocolate in them.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedove
    What? You think I measure?;) I just open up the can and sprinkle some in. It might be a quarter cup for two quarts. Start small, you can always add more if you like it. And I'll have to admit, I don't think I've made two pots of chili the same way my whole life.

    I got the idea from mole sauces, which often have a bit of chocolate in them.
    Sounds like the way I make it as well; that's why I said spoons or cups... as in a "pinch" or a "handfull"...a "smidgen" or a "boatload"...you get the point. ;)

    Thanks, I'll try augmenting one of the batches I have in the freezer.

  8. #18
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    A can of chopped green chillies in a batch of brownies is awsome too.


  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Worst name ever... but they make a great chocolate hot sauce over at Toad Sweat.

    I'm a traitor to my gender, since I have no love for chocolate unless it comes in small bits in freshly baked cookies, and I'm not a big fan of hot sauce either, but their stuff is absolutely delicious! (Though I prefer the lemon vanilla sauce slightly)

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