17th April 06, 10:54 AM
 Originally Posted by James
.................................................. ................To end on a light note-many years ago a very highland piper was trying to teach us a reel-and to get the men and women into position said 'The ones in the long skirts to the left and in short skirts to the right'. That was on a serious clan occasion, with both our chief to be and his sister in the party-and everyone thought it funny.
Many years ago, I attended a specialised Scottish Country Dance/Highland Dance weekend and I clearly remember one of the course instructors using very similar, if not identical, words. I'd quite forgotten that until I read your tale.
Thank you, James, for a well-worded and pertinent posting.
I am a Gay man who, incidentally, cannot cope with men-in-drag acts, but I have no problems with anyone referring to my kilts as skirts as long as it is done in good humour. Touch wood, it has been years since the word has been directed at me in a derogatory tone!
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
17th April 06, 10:58 AM
Well.....you were in a bar....booze makes anyone stupid, no matter how intelligent. That's basic chemistry, nothing can change the fact. Booze also lowers inhibitions so someone is more likely to feel free to insult a stranger. No doubt the fool had a role to play with his local guzzling crowd.
I've found that the appropriate answer to any insult is "F**k You" said with a polite calmness and resolve while making eye contact. You'd be amazed at the apologies that result as opposed to the fights most would expect.
And, the poor insulter did not have the opportunity to hear the many compliments. I've found kilt compliments tend to overpower thoughts of kilt insults by others. If I'm being complimented there's nary an insult.
Sounds like that Legion hall could use a good photo of the Ladies from Hell.
Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
"I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."
17th April 06, 02:03 PM
James, as usual, gave a very wise comment. Most of the comments that men, whether drunk or sober, are met with such display of "Oh yeah???" sort of makes me feel sorry for them.
It is easier to talk to a sober fellow like that than those who are a "bit" tipsy, but not much.
I usually consider the source and move on with dignity, very comfortable.
Glen McGuire
A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
17th April 06, 02:08 PM
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
Sounds like that Legion hall could use a good photo of the Ladies from Hell.
Especially ones from Canadian Scottish Regiments! :mrgreen:
I wonder if that fellow would have said something like that to "Smokey" Smith?
17th April 06, 02:14 PM
 Originally Posted by Riverkilt
I've found that the appropriate answer to any insult is "F**k You" said with a polite calmness and resolve while making eye contact. You'd be amazed at the apologies that result as opposed to the fights most would expect.
I have found this approach to work, though it is by no means the preferred method. Only the completely drunk idiots or those who are willfully trying to get under your skin get this response from me. Doesn't happen often, but I've never heard a single word from anyone who got this response.
17th April 06, 02:19 PM
 Originally Posted by Yaish
On the rare occasions when some guy makes a negative comment, check out his girlfriend. More often than not she'll be looking at you like a plate of chocolate pancakes with strawberries on top, and looking at him like he is something that crawled out from under a rock and stuck to her shoe.
Just give her a smile and wink, and ingnore him. I count that as a win.
17th April 06, 04:25 PM
Stupid happens
I usually feel sorry for men who make comments about skirts, etc. It must be hell not being a real man.
Thumbs up to James' comments
17th April 06, 06:49 PM
I see some idiot that can't let well enough alone as being very insecure about his manhood so he has to compensate by trying to belittle someone else.
This is funny because I've seen rooms, squat bays, actually, with a platoon of what you might call extremely dangerous men if the need arose who never needed to prove anything to anyone, least of all to each other sitting around cleaning their weapons and talking about how much they missed home and mom and their wives and kids and you wouldn't believe how polite they are to each other or even folks that they've never seen or met before. You'd be surprized to see them take the time to check out each others uniforms to make sure that they weren't "Out of Uniform" and take the time to button someone elses pocket button or burn "ropes" off another soldiers uniform before inspection.
You'd be amazed at the way that they will open doors for other folks and politely wait their turn in line in contrast to the civilian world.
Even drunk they never forgot who they were and never felt the need or desire to be a jerk or draw any attention to themselves. I was not the only one who wore a kilt while off duty and many would never think of wearing one but never said a word about those of us who did.
Now I see and hear and have experienced these males who I doubt will ever be men because they'll never grow up or grasp the concept of real life, Don't worry about them, they don't count and never will and the satifaction is in the knowing that THEY know it as well.
Wear the kilt, wear it just as Kings and Warriors have worn it for hundreds of years and let the cannon fodder run off at the mouth. It'll all catch up with them sooner or later and usually it's sooner.
Last edited by KiltedKnight; 19th April 06 at 10:05 AM.
17th April 06, 06:55 PM
Hey......Tell them if they can't take a joke...........
Take a bus!
Frank McGrath
17th April 06, 08:28 PM
 Originally Posted by KiltedKnight
I see some idiot that can't let well enough alone as being very insecure about his manhood so he has to compensate by trying to belittle someone else.
This is funny because I've seen rooms, squat bays, actually, with a platoon of what you might call extremely dangerous men if the need arose who never needed to prove anything to anyone, least of all to each other sitting around cleaning their weapons and talking about how much they missed home and mom and their wives and kids and you wouldn't believe how polite they are to each other or even folks that they've never seen or met before. You'd be surprized to see them take the time to check out each others uniforms to make sure that they weren't "Out of Uniform" and take the time to button someone elses pocket button or burn "ropes" off another soldiers uniform before inspection.
You'd be amazed at the way that they will open doors for other folks and politely wait their turn in line in contrast to the civilian world.
Even drunk they never forgot who they were and never felt the need or desire to be a jerk or draw any attention to themselves. I was not the only one who wore a kilt while off duty and many would never think of wearing one but never said a word about those of us who did.
Now I see and hear and have experienced these males who I doubt will never be men because they'll never grow up or grasp the concept of real life, Don't worry about them, they don't count and never will and the satifaction is in the knowing that THEY know it as well.
Wear the kilt, wear it just as Kings and Warriors have worn it for hundreds of years and let the cannon fodder run off at the mouth. It'll all catch up with them sooner or later and usually it's sooner.
I would have snipped the quote for brevity, but it was well worth seeing repeated.
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