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Thread: You know...

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
    Panache, that kilt would look so much better with rhinestones on it!
    I was digging out my old Western Shirts for a VCA company picnic at Roaring Camp Railroad. I have written before that I think that Western and Kilted looks aren't compatible. But it was a Sunday morning and I thought it would be fun would give it my best shot. The F-H.C.A.G. insisted she take a picture of me.

    This is not an outfit that I personally would be comfortable wearing out. I just can't imagine being able to pull it off (kudos to those that can though).
    I do think that it is kind of cool that that button lines of the calvalry shirt are continued by the Utilikilt.

    By the by, we had a great time and my wife and I had a blast remembering how to Two Step (it had been way to long)

    Lastly, I meant no disrespect to Patsy Cline in my post. There is a reason "Crazy" is one of the alltime classics.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
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    Edmond Rostand

  2. #12
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    To be honest, that outfit,worn with ropers and minus the bandana wouldn't look bad at all. Just keep in mind the color co-ordination.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfellrath
    I'd imagine that a kilt could look pretty darned good, though, while line-dancing. Especially one with a high swish factor. :rolleyes:
    According to much of the feedback that I get when I dance, it does. We do a dance called "Backstreet Attitude" sometimes to "Swing," a Trace Adkins tune. The dance includes eight counts of swinging the hips to and fro, and I've been told that I swing like no other in my kilt. I know that when I'm dancing, the kilt creates interesting movement, and people watch.

    I do not wear cowboy boots with my kilt, though I am looking for ropers that would be suitable.

    Jamie, I tip my cowboy hat to you for posting that photo. I don't think it looks all that bad, and I am amazed at the way the snaps on the shirt appear to continue down the kilt. I'd like to see that outfit again with the hose pulled up to regular height, sans bandana. I keep thinking that if someone wants to wear a kilt to a hoedown, there's got to be a way to make it work without him looking like he got lost on his way to the Celtic Festival.

    Rex in Cincinnati
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache
    ... This is not an outfit that I personally would be comfortable wearing out... it is kind of cool that that button lines of the calvalry shirt are continued by the Utilikilt... etc
    When I first saw the picture, my reaction was..."where's the civil war slouch hat, riding boots, crop, revolver, etc.

    But since you're wearing both blue and grey... the question would be - Is you Confederate or is you Union?


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    When I first saw the picture, my reaction was..."where's the civil war slouch hat, riding boots, crop, revolver, etc.

    But since you're wearing both blue and grey... the question would be - Is you Confederate or is you Union?

    Actually the Cavalry shirt is black. I is me!

    -See it there, a white plume
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blu (Ontario)
    When I first saw the picture, my reaction was..."where's the civil war slouch hat, riding boots, crop, revolver, etc.
    We must not forget the nice fringed gloves either.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

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    Baloo, when did you live in Clovis? I was born there, and spent part of my childhood in Clovis (my father was stationed at the AFB).

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Retro Red
    If I saw a guy in a kilt & cowboy boots, I'd wonder if he was from Islay or Kintyre... You know, western Scotland. :rolleyes:

    Hey, I'm from "Islay or Kintyre" - the preferred dress are Blundstone stockos boots (Aussies explain?)

  9. #19
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    I don't particularily like the cowboy boots, but, how would motorcycle boots or Wellingtons look with a kilt. I only have one non-tartan kilt and that is a Stillwater black shadow, so I guess that might be considered tartaned also.
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasem
    Baloo, when did you live in Clovis? I was born there, and spent part of my childhood in Clovis (my father was stationed at the AFB).
    I was originally stationed there in January of 1994. I retired from the AF in January 2000, and lived in clovis until June of 2004.

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