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  1. #11
    Join Date
    16th July 06
    Sierra Vista, Arizona, USA
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    I love my smallpipes although they are the brass drone variety with a chanter than can be converted to a PC with the blowstick. I've had a few offers for them but couldn't part with them. If you sell them you won't find a replacement easily. After 15+ years of college I know what you mean about not having the money. Remember if you don't have the money you can't afford them. Have you thought about taking on some piping students? If you were here I'd be first in line. I'm just starting on the GHP and paid for my McCallum AB2s yesterday. Now to decide on a beginner reed. Remember there is a bargain on Uilleann pipes somewhere out there. O'Neille

  2. #12
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    For reeds I can only suggest Shepherds. But request easy strength, or else they'll send you mediums which are tough to break in. I play McCallums too, they're fantastic pipes!

    And yes, I don't plan to be in debt. I only make purchases with money-in-hand.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the reed recommendation. Do you use Shephereds in a McCallum Chanter? I also heard that an Easy Abedour was good and Ross from California. O'Neille

  4. #14
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    I use a McCallum chanter, but that's only cause my pipe band does. They tend to be a bit more sharp than other chanters, tuning at about 470 instead of the standard 465.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    I do like Shepherd reeds and use them both of my band chanters (Dunbar and McCallum respectively). For my solo chanter I cut my own cane though.

    One question regarding your quest for uilleann pipes, Beloitpiper. Is there an uilleann piper in your area to help out as a teacher? Uilleann pipes are a very demanding instrument and trying to learn them on your own is not something I'd recommend for anyone. Remember, I'm saying this after 15 years of learning and playing uilleann pipes.

    Find someone who knows what they're doing - most especially someone who can help you learn the essential skill of reedmaking. Without knowing how to make reeds life will be hell and forget being able to play in tune one week to the next.

    Last edited by wgority; 29th December 06 at 07:13 AM. Reason: fixing spelling
    The tradition continues!
    The Pipers Gathering at Killington, VT

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