Quote Originally Posted by ozone View Post
Very interesting points by all of you. All this tartan stuff is rather convoluted and I guess modern scots really shouldn't be so persnickty about the black watch tartan since the regiment has served honourably for many years past the initial troubles, which were many years ago now.
Yes it is all convoluted because it is history and history can be a very very passionate thing. To say us modern Scots shouldn't be so pernickety is a wee bit insensitive. There are still some areas where if a Campbell were to fall in love with a MacDonald all hell would break loose. It is our history after all. The American history is also littered with similar "pernickety" gripes from many years gone by. The 300th anniversary of the English taking Scotland was only recently had and I can assure you the debate was a strong as ever, if not stronger.