X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
23rd March 07, 05:25 AM
I think my wife and I are going to go out and watch this today.
She needs a dose of Spartan courage!
23rd March 07, 05:38 AM
I will definitly have to show that to my son!
23rd March 07, 07:52 AM
Just saw 300 last night, it was totally sweet.
23rd March 07, 08:36 AM
23rd March 07, 03:11 PM
I cannae discribe how awesome 300 was. My wife was actually profoundly moved.
Had a lovely afternoon. Having a hard time typing. Had a liquid lunch. A quart of warm sake, a half a litre bottle of plum wine, and an imperial pint of Rogue Chipotle Ale. (ZEEEEEE fire... IT BURNZ)
If you will excuse me, I think I will be going.
23rd March 07, 03:20 PM
yeah 300 was a great movie. A few times I thought it was looking at stained glass.
23rd March 07, 03:26 PM
I thought they said "FLOSSING!!!!!"
Either way, it's a great trailer!
23rd March 07, 03:54 PM
I'm worried about watching it simply for the fact that I spent year after year stufying the '300' battle in classics for school. Every year.
I'm one of those sad people who gets annoyed at historical inaccuracies in costume.
23rd March 07, 06:47 PM
Arlen, Frank Miller when he created the Graphic Novel was not aiming for total accuracy. He told the tale as a mythic story told to others before a battle. If watched with that in mind the "inaccuracy's" make sense. 300 is a propaganda piece as told from the Spartan point of view.
The director did such a good job of adapting the source material that Warner Brothers has turned over Alan Moore's and Dave Gibbon's WATCHMEN to him to direct.
25th March 07, 03:09 PM
Rogue Chipotle Ale?
Rogue, as in the northwestern US brewer? Sounds yummy! Is it hot, or nicely warm? The only "hot" beer I've had the pleasure of trying to date is Ed's Cave Creek Chili Beer.
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