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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I don't particularly like the the new website, but I still love both my UKs. I never quite fit into the UK advertising model (my UKs hit me at the top of the knee, no lower, I love my "$1000 wool kilt, in plaid no less"). Phil's right, the tuxedo kilt is not great. I'd use the money to buy a traditional.
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    It is just marketing and the evolution of kilt.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    On The Long Road
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    Their website is entirely different from being in the store. I was in the store on 15th Ave in Ballard (Seattle) frequently -my Avatar. Now, I've been in the downtown Seattle store. The guys working there are the same. The store configuration is a universe apart from the first. The website is just a website. The kilts on the racks and the guys in the store and the folks stitching 'em together up the street at the assembly place are all still cool workin' people.
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    24th August 06
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    Quote Originally Posted by morrison View Post
    Their website is entirely different from being in the store. I was in the store on 15th Ave in Ballard (Seattle) frequently -my Avatar. Now, I've been in the downtown Seattle store. The guys working there are the same. The store configuration is a universe apart from the first. The website is just a website. The kilts on the racks and the guys in the store and the folks stitching 'em together up the street at the assembly place are all still cool workin' people.
    I quite agree the service I get when calling or ordering is good and the kilts are good, but I live in Kansas City and they have never come here with a booth and they probably won't because of the market. So, the only exposure I can give to an interested person is me wearing one and their website.
    Mark Keeney

  5. #15
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    The tuxedo design is a stretch, I wonder if they would rent it??

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Keeney View Post
    I quite agree the service I get when calling or ordering is good and the kilts are good, but I live in Kansas City and they have never come here with a booth and they probably won't because of the market. So, the only exposure I can give to an interested person is me wearing one and their website.
    The last official event list I got from UK says that they are going to be at the Kansas City Irish Festival from 31 Aug to 2 Sept. Now this is not listed on the web site, so may have changed.


  7. #17
    Join Date
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    ANother .02 USD

    I am not offended so much by the new site; rather disappointed by the objectionable material referred to by the OP.

    This kilted man has to agree that trying to build up the UK by trashing the TANK is impotent at best. No model T, no Mustang. No TANK, no UK... and so on.

    I did buy an original UK in the last iteration of the website. OK garment, but loose in the waist and girlie pants tight in the butt.

    Which is why this poster ordered a Freedom Kilt. Formerly privileged to serve in the air wing of the Navy, in my experience Marine aviators (like Steve A. @ F.K.) are the

    Do give yourself a quick pop quiz:

    : Do you want your kilt made by

    a.) guy/company who seemingly feels the need to bogart, profile and talk trash to appear tough ( Steven Villegas/ U.K.)

    b.) guy/company who apparently doesn't feel the need to press the point? (Steve Ashton/ F.K. )

    Having said that, UK does put alot of folk in kilts and that's a good thing. Perhaps stemming from some deep seated insecurity the trash talk thing just does not ring true with me.

    For guys who are in shape, (unlike me) the UK does turn out a good looking casual kilt. While the website alone would not keep me from buying another one, it really does nothing to push me in that direction.

    A modicum of applied skill in the wordsmithery department could probably tickle the fancy of the twenty something market they are chasing and not turn off the mid life crisis folk like me.

    Perhaps this wannabe scribe will submit some copy to that brash young kiltmaker/seller in Seattle. Maybe a bunch of us should.

  8. #18
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    Drinking Not Thinking

    Ok Gang, I sent a strongly worded mail to sales and recieved a reply from young Steven.

    Apparently Steven was just clowning and thought it was pretty funny stuff. The FAQ has been pulled for review. Here are some excerpts from his letter.:

    Hey Doug,
    Guess what, I was drinking when I wrote that FAQ ! Are you surprised ? I strive not to take anything too seriously in this business, if you feel offended do know that I consider your feelings, There is nobody here who has any harsh personal feelings towards you or your Scottish ancestry. Lots of us have some of Scotch in us !
    Seriously, don't read this all wound up, chill a bit, my questions are sincere. Ive already pulled the FAQ for reviewal.
    I am really sorry that you are so offended by the text, hopefully one day you might revisit the site to see how the changes to the FAQ read.

    Thank you for the feedback.

    170 pound size
    11 shoe
    Steven Villegas
    Owner / Founder
    Utilikilts Co.
    I don't think he meant any harm. Just bad judgement. If that were a capital offense I would have been gone long ago. The man did own up to it and did not blame somebody else.

    If I can get past the whole fat guys are supposed to be the same size waist and seat thought control police on the UK complex I may buy another one.

  9. #19
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    Lots of us have some of Scotch in us !
    Even those without a Scot in their entire family tree!
    An uair a théid an gobhainn air bhathal 'se is feàrr a bhi réidh ris.
    (When the smith gets wildly excited, 'tis best to agree with him.)

    Kiltio Ergo Sum.
    I Kilt, therefore I am. -McClef

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Steve and his gang started out as a bunch of artists who wanted to put together a few bucks to buy a bus and do traveling performance art. Somewhere along the way, Steve stumbled into the kilt market.

    He, and his folks are still a group of irreverent counter-culture artists with an in-your-face attitude. And, many of us owe our kilting lives to their willingness to challenge cultural norms and produce and sell what is still a radical departure from regular men's clothing.
    Last edited by Rigged; 15th June 07 at 08:46 AM. Reason: fix typos

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