They put out a bear trap and killed the one they caught. The thing that gets me is I spent over 16 years in the back country as guide each summer with inner city kids and never had any trouble with bears. Of course we never stayed in organized camp grounds with lots of garbage cans. It was allways pack in pack out were the rules and leave no trace. Did have one incident where the bear kept diving for the food bag that was hung between two trees. I woke up in the night and heard thump, whuuuw, and then a groan. from the area we hung the food. then there was russeling in the bushes and the same thump, whuuuw, and groan. My self and the other mentor got up and went to see what was going on. From a distance, it was just getting light, We see a young bear up in the tree above the food bag, on a branch, made a dive for the food. He missed and hit the ground with his belly, paws outstreached to grab the food. That was the thump The whuuuw was when he hit the ground and the groan followed. This time he saw us standing a 100 meters away laughing at him we decided to make lots of sound and back away and he took off the other direction.
At the trail head had been posted about the bears and to keep all foods well away from the camping area and to cook your food away from the sleeping area.
People that think that a car window is protection just don't know the weight and power of a full size bear. Yet people still want to feed the bears from the car or better yet get out of the car to get a better picture?????DizzyWorld
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
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