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  1. #11
    Panache's Avatar
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    How low one must be to troll for their business from a quality establishment.
    Unable to let their goods or services speak for themselves they are forced to try and steal from their betters.

    The whole thing is just sad.


    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  2. #12
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    Really sad. However, the headline is quaint, typically british.

    "TARTAN WARS: Kiltmaker Geoffrey Nicholsby, who was allegedly punched in a fracas after an exchange with leaflet workers."

  3. #13
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    Interesting item.

    I went into many of the kilt stores on the Royal Mile when I was in Edinburgh a couple weeks ago. Having heard the stories of the Gold Brothers, I wanted to see how their goods compared to the high end kiltmakers.

    I was not in the market to buy a kilt. I have 10 and that is sufficient for now. Also, I think I can find most of what I need through internet dealers at better prices, and an easier search.

    Geoffrey (Tailor) and Hector Russell are very nice stores and the quality of merchandise seems good (I'm not an expert).

    The Gold Brothers stores on the other hand are filled with anything that can be embossed or painted with tartan or saltire and mass produced kilts in a few patterns. They were interesting if you wanted a coffe cup or a pin to take home to Mom or Dad or Aunt Tillie. They also could outfit you in a kilt, jacobite shirt, hose, etc. if you wanted to get started.

    Both types of businesses have their place. The quality kilt makers for those who can afford makers, and the mass merchandisers who are affordable to those who are starting out. I certainly would not be able to afford 10 kilts if I only bought at $600-$800 each! And I would not wear a kilt that expensive to work around the house.

    So while I regret people being injured by "trade wars", it isn't unheard of in the history of commerce.

    If I go back to Edinburgh, I will probably look at Geoffrey (Tailor) and at Gold Bros. and if I see something I like at either, and can afford it, I'll buy it.


  4. #14
    Martin S
    'So while I regret people being injured by "trade wars", it isn't unheard of in the history of commerce.'

    Quite, but when it comes to a punch-up with a gentleman of a certain respectable age, that's really going too far.

    I'd never imagined that Geoffrey's vast reservoir shop actually belonged to the Gold brothers; what a situation!

    AHay said he was happy to buy through the internet; why not? except that most of the e-shops, under various names, seem also to belong to the infamous brothers.
    Recently, I have received "newletters" from a certain Heather MacCain proposing special offers. Needless to say, this is another name for the Gold/Singhs.

    Can't help admiring their business sense, though, can you (from market stall to High Street take-over) -- at least up to the day of the punch-up. All admiration finished now!


  5. #15
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Here is the latest take on this story - http://edinburghnews.scotsman.com/in...?id=1303962007

  6. #16
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    Well, despite the fact that they sell a lesser quality product that does not appeal to me anyway, I think that the shotty business pratices being shown by the Gold Brothers has convinced me to never do business with any of their shops.

    There is a place for the lower cost tartan and highland outfits, and companies like SWK show how it should be done. There is no need to try and piggyback on the reputation and established history of one business to try and succeed in another.

    I have no doubt that should that shop fall to the Gold brothers, that it would be renamed Jeffery Tailors kilts or something to that end.

  7. #17
    highlander_Daz's Avatar
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    The Royal mile s a tourist trap full stop -most of the shops sell "tut" shoddy rubbish made abroad, cheap "kilts" made abroad, I wish there was a way for people to realise that the "gold brothers" sell "tut" that wont last 5 minutes, I wish tourist would do their home work and buy quality scottish made products Scots businesses.
    I was suprised and dismayed to see a branch of "gold brothers" (The Scotland Shop) in Pitlochry last week, an otherwise beautiful town.
    Last edited by highlander_Daz; 19th August 07 at 02:15 AM.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    Well, despite the fact that they sell a lesser quality product that does not appeal to me anyway, I think that the shotty business pratices being shown by the Gold Brothers has convinced me to never do business with any of their shops.
    Could some one post a list of the shops, businesses and dba's of the Singhs/Gold Brothers? One doesn't know whether one is doing business with them, given the number of names under which they operate on Ebay and elsewhere.

  9. #19
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    Okay, I'm not going to link their site to X Marks, but


    shows their store fronts and their web-sites.
    Last edited by Wompet; 18th August 07 at 04:46 PM. Reason: Found the right list. Mods, please ignore former deletion request

  10. #20
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    I just got my jacket and 5 button waistcoat from the tartan gift shop on the royal mile in the ardgown house www.tartan-kilts.com so I take that there is alot on the royal mile I will have to go to scotland on day to see all of this. sorry to see old established firms in skimishes though but it happens I guess. Quality and economics always play in my purchases.

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