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  1. #11
    Join Date
    23rd November 05
    Easton , PA
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    With the price of dry cleaning it (most cleaners start by using a standard price for the "skirt", and then add a charge per pleat, which can add up fast) you would probably be able to replace the Stillwater Economy in what you would pay for a few cleanings.

    The Acrylic washes quite well, either by hand, or on the delicate cycle, with no harm to the leather.
    Then as others have said, hang it to dry, straightening out the pleats.

    If you need to press it, the best way is to baste the pleats to maintain their initial placement and PRESS, not Iron.
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

  2. #12
    Join Date
    16th December 05
    Maryland USA
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    My sister knows a guy who takes all of his
    clothes to the cleaners. (Yes he's rich.)
    They don't dry clean everything; they
    put the cotton shirts etc in the regular
    just like us poor folks do.

    The point here is if you just don't want
    the bother of washing your kilt, the
    cleaners can do that without resorting
    to "dry cleaning." Just ask them
    to wash it on "gentle" and press
    it with cool steam.

    It probably won't cost any less than
    dry cleaning.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    26th July 07
    Prescott Valley, Arizona
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    Ya know it occurs to me that if you want to have someone clean you kilt for you, you might look around and see if there's a place in your area that rents kilts. Ask them who they use to clean and press their kilt. If nothing else, they should know how to properly press a kilt.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    30th June 04
    Houston, Texas
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChromeScholar View Post
    Ya know it occurs to me that if you want to have someone clean you kilt for you, you might look around and see if there's a place in your area that rents kilts. Ask them who they use to clean and press their kilt. If nothing else, they should know how to properly press a kilt.
    HEY! No independent thinking is allowed.

    It could lead to good ideas. You know, like the one you mentioned just now.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    12th July 07
    Northern California
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    I washed my SWK economy kilt in cold water on gentle with woolite for colors. I then hung it to dry. I then took it to the cleaners and had it pressed only as I am iron challenged. I have 3 other poly kilts that I did the same to. All came out great!

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