24th October 07, 08:37 AM
 Originally Posted by Yeti
I need a favor...
I've really been wanting to get the "I never lie! But I am a barbarian." quote from Braveheart tattoo'd on me. Or at least on a t-shirt or something. Anyone out there know Latin, so I don't go getting some gobbily-gook inked onto my arm permantly?
Thanks in advance.
HOLD UP. Are you calling Gaelic "gobbily-gook"? Young man, I think we need to have a talk. Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste.
24th October 07, 08:48 AM
 Originally Posted by Galician
Barbarus sum, sed numquam decipio
"I'm a barbarian, but I never lie."
Quite good. But if you want it a bit shorter, "Barbarus sum sed non decipio," should do.
"I am a barbarian, but I do not lie."
Or, "Barbarus sum et non decipio."
"I am a barbarian and I do not lie."
Also, as a word of warning, classical Latin does not use commas, as far as I know. Medieval Latin may, but classical does not.
Edit: Beloitpiper - I think he just doesn't want bad Latin (gobledegook) on him.
24th October 07, 09:07 AM
You are quite right, Canuck, but as a Benedictine oblate brother, one bit of wisdom passed along to me from our scriptorium, was that one needs to adjust to the masses to be able to sell a manuscript. 
P.S. I realized afterwards that the "sum" could be dropped, but not the "sed."
24th October 07, 09:15 AM
 Originally Posted by beloitpiper
HOLD UP. Are you calling Gaelic "gobbily-gook"? Young man, I think we need to have a talk. Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste.
No, I think he didn't want to be like the girls that think they get "Love" tattooed on their arm in Chinese and it turns out to be "unclean" or "Sesame Chicken".
I can't blame him. A little bit of research goes a long way.
24th October 07, 09:55 AM
 Originally Posted by beloitpiper
HOLD UP. Are you calling Gaelic "gobbily-gook"? Young man, I think we need to have a talk. Is fearr Gaeilge bhriste, ná Béarla cliste.
No sir, I am most certainly not. As others have stated, I do not want to end up with something on my arm that isn't what I thought it was.
I've heard stories of women getting "Good but cheap" tattooed on themselves when they copy the Chinese off a restaurant menu.
I did not intend to offend or disrespect anybody.
24th October 07, 09:59 AM
Here is the quote, as pulled off of the Internet Movie Database.
"Ego nunquam pronunciari mendacium! Sed ego sum homo indomitus."
(I never lie! But I am indeed a savage.)
Is that close? If I get something this big, it will probably be a rather large piece, either a part of my full lower-leg sleeve, or my back piece.
24th October 07, 10:04 AM
Oh, I dunno; "Sesame Chicken" in Chinese characters might look quite fetching. Tell 'em it means "Scotia Rocks".
(Well, I thought it was funny, so there!)
24th October 07, 11:19 AM
De gustibus non est disputamdum
I'd go with something Greek since the letters look cool.
My Greek is really rusty, but here goes: Πολλές λόγοι φτώχεια
That should be "many words are poverty," of as the Spartans would have said, "Get to the point."
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
24th October 07, 11:26 AM
He was speaking french in the movie though.
24th October 07, 11:50 AM
 Originally Posted by Prester John
He was speaking french in the movie though.
He began speaking French, and then the princesses adviser changed to Latin so he could talk in private...or so he thought. Hehehehe 
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