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  1. #11
    Join Date
    13th November 07
    Tieton, WA
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    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?
    Upper teens, 16-18deg F.

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp?
    Some wind. Overcast, very wet

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed?
    Wool kilt hose, hiking boots, Polypro shirt, Aran wool sweater, balmoral.

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.)
    7-9yd 17/18oz tank.

    5. What were you doing? (were you working hard, walking, etc.)
    Hiking in the Cascade mountains. Didn't even realize it was that cold until I stopped and checked my thermometer. Probably could have been colder and I still would have been comfortable. Really, though, it wasn't my legs or other "parts" that were cold. It was my hands.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    2nd October 04
    Page/Lake Powell, Arizona USA
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    Last winter was up at the Grand Canyon. Was 8 degrees F and clear with wind and vertical updrafts at the edge of the canyon.

    Had on my Utilikilt brown leather kilt, t-shirt, wool sweater, vest, and leather jacket with Wolverine boots. Was walking mostly.

    Three years ago I was at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in my Forest MARPAT from Pittsburgh Kilts (cotton) a Filson wool cruiser jacket and boots. Very cold and windy, probably in the mid 20s F. Was nice and toasty until I lifted the kilt at the urinal in an unheated restroom. All the accumulated warm air under the kilt spilled out and it was COLD for a while until the warm air built up again.

    Been up about 10 to 11,000 feet in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. No clue what the temp was, but cold and windy.

    Utilikilt Survival II (cotton) wool kilt hose, tennis shoes, t-shirt and replica Ike Jacket from What Price Glory.

    And, up in the Sandia Mountains above Albuquerque...no clue how cold but cold and wet in my X Marks the Scot wool kilt and leather jacket.

    Point is; I'm an Arizona guy. ANY snow is cold for me...and even cotton kilts keep me warm and toasty. Think you'll be fine in Ohio.

    Last edited by Riverkilt; 15th November 07 at 11:39 PM. Reason: snow blind
    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #13
    Join Date
    16th December 05
    Maryland USA
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    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?

    4 degrees Fahrenheit

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp?

    Overcast and very windy.

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed?

    Knee high moccasins, wool socks,
    sheepskin coat, Mad Bomber hat

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.)

    Started out with a UK workman just to
    see if it was as warm as people claimed.
    No it was not warm. Changed to my
    "winter kilt" (16 oz saxony made 1 inch
    longer than normal) in which I was warm
    beyond belief.

    5. What were you doing? (were you working hard, walking, etc.)

    Still hunting, which involves walking
    very slowly and standing "still" a lot.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    1. -16 C,

    2. snowy and windy

    3. Sweater, hose, jacket

    4. 4 yard 8oz pv Bear kilt

    5. Walking around downtown Vancouver with 3 other people trying to find out which pub was actually hosting that kilt night.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Leona Valley, California
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    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?
    Don't know the exact temp, but I was in Edinburgh the first week of April, and to this Californian, it was cold.

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp?
    Foggy, damp, some sun in the afternoon.

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed?
    Thermal top, t-shirt, leather jacket, boots, flat cap, scarf, knit gloves.

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.)
    Cheap synthetic

    5. What were you doing? (were you working hard, walking, etc.)
    Walking, shopping, riding in an open top bus.

    I was there for 2 days... day 1 in pants, day 2 in kilt... the kilt was much warmer.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Well, today was a good experience for me in regards to wearing a kilt in colder weather. I took today off from work to work on my chicken coup. Today started out at 30F and the temperature did not get about 37F. If was mostly cloudy, breezy, and a little damp. I wore one of my Stillwater Economy kilts with hose, a t-shirt along with two long sleeve t-shirts, boots, and a heavy stocking cap. I was dressed like this outside from10am to 5pm. For most of the day I was comfortable except for my hands. Towards the end my legs started to get cold. I did not expect to do as well as I did because I have some circulation issues with my legs as a result of two leg operations. All in all I was surprised how comfortable I could be under these conditions.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?
    My record is -40C (with windchill factored in)

    2. Was it windy, sunny, damp?
    A fairly typical mid-winter day here in Ottawa. Some wind, overcast.

    3. Aside from the kilt how were you dressed?
    Flat cap, scarf, 3/4 length leather coat, gloves, heavy kilt hose, leather boots.

    4. What type of kilt? (5 yard, wool, etc.)
    8 yd wool

    5. What were you doing? (were you working hard, walking, etc.)
    Travelling to and from the office. Waiting at the bus stop.


  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    1. What has been the coldest temperature that you have been comfortable wearing a kilt?
    My record is -40C (with windchill factored in)
    Wow, minus 40 is where the scales cross! I.e. -40 degrees C is -40 degrees F.
    Last edited by fluter; 17th November 07 at 02:33 PM. Reason: lost a hyphen :oops:
    Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
    gainfully unemployed systems programmer

  9. #19
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Properly chosen, kilts work with all weather conditions.

    I've been in -12 degrees in wool and been as comfortable as in 70 degrees in cotton.

    Cooler weather, heavier hose and footwear. Warmer weather lighter weight kilts and hose.

    What-ever the weather, the kilt works!

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    I have been comfortable in my kilt at about 18-20 F. I was walking through Boulder Colorado on my way to my parents house for a family thing. The kilt I have is a Gordon highlanders military kilt that is quite old, other than the kilt I was wearing a pair of soviet combat boots with some old green climbing socks, a woolen military jersey.

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