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  1. #11
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone. Been a long couple of weeks for us for sure! We're mostly unpacked and set up, just have to find a few things in town now. We also still have to sell our old house in Calgary. Hopefully that will happen soon.

    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    So - Does the new place have a high speed connection? - or are you now forced to dial-up?

    Also - truthfully now - How many boxes have you not unpacked?
    I do my surfing on DSL, thankyouverymuch. Nothing but high-speed here. As for a truthful count on boxes we haven't unpacked...picures say 1000 words:

    This is the room in the basement that will become our home "office" and computer room. Right now I'm using my laptop. Abut half of those boxes are for Karen's holiday decorations, so they just need to be hidden away in the attic rather than unpacked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrissss View Post
    I'm glad the move went well and that everything & everyone arrived safe and sound. You should remember Manitoba January weather... if not, well you have just been reintroduced!

    Send me a PM when you're planning any trips into the 'Peg and maybe we can meet up for a couple pints.

    Hi Chris. Oh yes, I remember winter weather in Manitoba. I just found it amusing that it was fairly warm here until the day we arrived.

    I'll definitely give you a heads up before we come into the city. It would be fun to get together for a drink or 4.

    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    As long as he's unpacked the boxes with the kilts and the liquor what does it matter?

    -40 Al? is that in celsius or farenheit? Oh wait they're the same at that temperature! Hope you did unpack that booze. So is Manitoba a stop off before you come to a man's province (the one that's one over on the right)?
    Kilts and booze are both unpacked and being appreciated. int:

    Stop off point????? I suppose I could go to a man's province, but why would I want to leave God's country to do that?

  2. #12
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    ....And your next mission is to find out if you can get a 'kilted' license plate in Manitoba.
    It goes without saying that we will be expecting reports on kilted life in that province. Topics such as "dealing with mosquitoes* and blackflies..." Oh. That's almost too awful to think about...
    Enjoy your new home!

    *Manitoba's provincial bird.
    EPITAPH: Decades from now, no one will know what my bank balance looked like, it won't matter to anyone what kind of car I drove, nor will anyone care what sort of house I lived in. But the world will be a different place, because I did something so mind bafflingly eccentric that my ruins have become a tourist attraction.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gryphon noir View Post
    Topics such as "dealing with mosquitoes* and blackflies..." Oh. That's almost too awful to think about...
    Enjoy your new home!

    *Manitoba's provincial bird.
    The Mosquito is truly, or at least should be, the provincial bird.

    And they're not just mosquitoes...a more apt description is Prehistoric Pterodactyl Skeeter's...

    Youth & Enthusiasm are no match for Age & Treachery

  4. #14
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Thanks for having the guts to post the shots of your basement. Those pictures show more about the house than the ones that you posted from outside. I think that you really have a sturdy and cozy nest to weather the coming storms!!!

    Good luck, stay warm!

  5. #15
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    Glad the move went well, Al. Things have started getting cold here too, just not THAT cold.
    William Grant
    Stand Fast Craigellachie!

  6. #16
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gryphon noir View Post
    ....And your next mission is to find out if you can get a 'kilted' license plate in Manitoba.
    It goes without saying that we will be expecting reports on kilted life in that province. Topics such as "dealing with mosquitoes* and blackflies..." Oh. That's almost too awful to think about...
    Enjoy your new home!

    *Manitoba's provincial bird.
    Ah yes, the Manitoba mosquito. If you can get 'em in the fall they will feed a family of 4 for a week!
    So far we absolutely LOVE the new house. We just have a few more things to do before we can truly relax.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrissss View Post
    The Mosquito is truly, or at least should be, the provincial bird.

    And they're not just mosquitoes...a more apt description is Prehistoric Pterodactyl Skeeter's...

    See my comment above. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Thanks for having the guts to post the shots of your basement. Those pictures show more about the house than the ones that you posted from outside. I think that you really have a sturdy and cozy nest to weather the coming storms!!!

    Good luck, stay warm!
    Thanks James! The house has really become quite warm and comfortable. The only thing we lack to make it "perfect" is a wood-burning fireplace, but we can live without that. As for having the guts to post those disaster-zone pics...here's one of the same room taken about 15 minutes ago. Now the home office is done, aside from loading up the bookshelf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rampant Lion View Post
    Glad the move went well, Al. Things have started getting cold here too, just not THAT cold.
    Thanks Will! I wish we could have had one last get-together before we left, but time just didn't allow it. We will be back to visit probably once a year or more, so perhaps on one of those trips we can meet up.
    It actually warmed up nicely today...-15C. It was quite pleasant out this morning when we did some running around downtown.

  7. #17
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Kilt View Post
    Much better!!!


    Really, no fireplace? How about an old pot belly stove?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Much better!!!


    Really, no fireplace? How about an old pot belly stove?

    Sadly, no fireplace. In the future we may look at a woodstove, but we'll have to see how things work out.

  9. #19
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    Welcome Back! Don't freeze off anything you like in the cold up there.

  10. #20
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    If you have a wood lot, you might be interested in ..this site..

    I have family in Minn. and they swear by the product.

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