5th April 08, 07:20 AM
The only SCA event I ever attended was in rural, coastal Georgia. It was also my first time in a kilt (belted plaid). As a colonial reenactor I found some things to be silly. They nearly wet themselves when I drew a small knife to trim some loose threads. The attention paid to the fighters was excessive. Is everyone nobility? I had fun, though.
However, I did see among numerous members a devotion to history, research and craftsmanship that was commendable. I have a dear friend who is/was recently active and has been to Pennsic. Sometimes the SCA is a schizophrenic cross of history, Renn Faires & fantasy RPGs.
My view is not as negative as it used to be.
5th April 08, 07:22 AM
horses for courses...
Discussion of the SCA is fine, but let's try to remember "horses for courses" here and be respectful in our comments. You may not be "into" the SCA or even had a bad experience with them, but other forum members may have a different POV.
Bottom line: horses for courses.
5th April 08, 07:00 PM
 Originally Posted by cajunscot
Bottom line: horses for courses.
Thanks Todd.
I personally love the SCA and I would say that my social skills are perfectly intact. There are extremes and exceptions in any group that gathers in large numbers. You will find people that hate the SCA as well as people who love the SCA. You will find people who love the Renn Fest, and some who hate it. There are hundreds of webpages out there to talk about the SCA if you're interseted. But when it comes down to it, you won't know until you try it for yourself.
Chances are that there are "fighter practices" in your area at least once a week. The best thing you could do is find your local fighter practice, head down there, and talk with someone "official". When I say official i mean it'll make for a much better experience in the SCA if you find someone in your area that can fill you in on all the details. Preferably the local Baron or Baroness or one of their members of their court.
To answer your question "do people make fun of you?" the answer is yes. BUT hardly ever, and just as often as anyone made fun of for being in the Renn Festival, or even wearing a kilt. When you do something different from the norm, people make fun. Good luck, if you want anymore info or have any questions, please feel free to PM me or respond here too.
5th April 08, 11:40 PM
The SCA can be a LOT of fun. I have been a 'stick jock' (SCA armored fighter) for some 20 years, so I guess I have my own bias.
 Originally Posted by Alaskan Kilted Guy
... fighting (with padded swords etc)
The "padded swords" are solid rattan wrapped in duct tape. The duct tape is more to help keep the rattan together and prevent it from splintering than 'padding'.
 Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall
... everything revolves around people in armor.
The armored combat is very much the flashiest part of the group. Some of the most popular events are wars and armored fighting tournaments. But, as Vafuth points out,
 Originally Posted by Vafuth
... classes on everything from period cooking to making clothing, dancing, fencing, and more.
Although the armored fighting is what everyone sees, there really is a lot more going on. I am not sure what the actual demographics are, but I estimate that there is something like only 1 fighter for every 3 or 4 members. The non-stick jocks are doing all sorts of other great things!
I can easily recommend anyone interested in medieval things (combat or otherwise) to check the SCA out!
Michael the Farlander
Loch Sloy!
5th April 08, 11:45 PM
I am highly interested in learning about the period cooking, clothing, and dancing.. and I'm sure there's music in there somewhere.
6th April 08, 01:25 AM
 Originally Posted by ardchoille
I am highly interested in learning about the period cooking, clothing, and dancing.. and I'm sure there's music in there somewhere.
You bet there is. Here ya go, baronyofmadrone.net/, thats the group in the greater Seattle area. Good luck and have fun!
6th April 08, 01:37 AM
 Originally Posted by Farlander
The SCA can be a LOT of fun. I have been a 'stick jock' (SCA armored fighter) for some 20 years, so I guess I have my own bias.
I thought you looked familiar! Hi from a tired old Cynauguan monier! Next time you see Sir Parlan tell him Robert the Unready says hello.
6th April 08, 04:10 AM
I've been to a number of SCA events over the years and had mixed experiences at each of them. Like any group, it has good and bad points.
The attention paid to the fighters was excessive. Is everyone nobility? I had fun, though.
Yes, in Atlantia there is a lot of focus put on fighters. Not all events are centered around fighters and perhaps you should try a more academic event.
No, everyone is not nobility. A rule of thumb is to refer to others as My Lord or My Lady, particularly if you are unsure of their status.
I am glad you had fun and hope you give it a try again.
6th April 08, 05:18 AM
I wasn't denigrating the SCA, just relating my limited experience. My perspective as an historic reenactor is different. I like attending Renn Faires, but won't join one.
It is the culture of these groups that we like and with which we identify. It is much the same here at XMarks.
Like Cajunscot said, "horses for courses".
6th April 08, 05:45 AM
 Originally Posted by Doc
You bet there is. Here ya go, baronyofmadrone.net/, thats the group in the greater Seattle area. Good luck and have fun!
Ah, thanks for the link, much appreciated
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