No solid plans as yet. This is definitely low on my priority list seeing as I'm currently unemployed and looking for a way to makes ends meet. I'll definitely post updates on this when they come about. I'll try to remember to stop by my local Scottish highland outfitter shop this coming week to see if I can drum up some interest. I have a feeling that a kilt night can work in theis area. It's just a matter of being able to devote some time and effort into it. Those are two things I've been prioritizing elsewhere at the moment. Sorry about the slow progress.
[B]Clan Rose[/B]-[SIZE="2"][B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Constant and True[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][I]"I cut a stout blackthorn to banish ghosts and goblins; In a brand new pair of brogues to ramble o'er the bogs and frighten all the dogs " - D. K. Gavan[/I][/SIZE]