I'll add another vote for the saffron... especially since you have the fly plaid.
Originally Posted by Freelander Sporrano
Wear what you like best.
I'll second that.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
I'm wondering if you have asked your date about her opinion in this matter. Unless you're not interesting in going out with her again!!
If you only have one wool kilt, wear that.
"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning, and seven generations before. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone he may have parley with old folks of old affairs." - Neil Munro
Wool is the only way to go. Get her a corsage that matches your kilt.
Originally Posted by Galician
I'm wondering if you have asked your date about her opinion in this matter. Unless you're not interesting in going out with her again!!
Of course I asked her! Do I look like a fool? [On second thought, don't answer that ]
We're going to meet this weekend, and I'll bring my kilts and we'll see which one looks best with her dress.
OK...let me be the voice of reason ( )...you can't wear the saffron...you wore it last year! Wear the MacLaren!
14th May 08, 01:26 AM
Well, much to my disappointment, after consultation with my girlfriend (who insists that the colour of her dress is wine, and not dark red, as it is “a dark maroon without the purple” ), I will wear my MacLaren. Here's how it went:
One look at the Buchanan, and she said nothing, but her mom looked at me like I was insane (well, I get that from Mrs. W a lot, but this one was stronger than usual).
One look at the Clergy/Clarke, and she said something along the lines of “Absolutely not.” Her mom looked at me more worriedly than usual.
One look at the saffron, and she said, “No.” Her mom nodded approvingly.
After much time holding up the MacLaren to the dress, looking at it in the light, and asking her mom, she said, “Do you have anything else?” After replying in the negative, she said, “Well, I guess the red in this one matches with the red in the dress.”
And so, I shall wear the MacLaren.
The things I do for love!
14th May 08, 02:23 AM
Wear your wool kilt and don't bother with all this matching up nonsense. No one worries about it here.
14th May 08, 07:34 PM
I feel your pain.
At first I thought you were talking about green apple... "AHA!" I thought.. The Cornish national tartan is perfect.
Then the red apple came in... I read your posts a little closer and found that 5 different Irish county tartans wouldn't work.. There was actually a budget. ::sigh::
Your choice is probably correct.
Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.
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