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Thread: Tornados!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogerson785 View Post
    As I was standing in the Little Apple Brewery amongst friends and watching the Doppler radar, the tornado sirens were blaring, as I was busy texting friends in other parts of the country how much I HATE Kansas. Once at home I discovered the dogs and soon to be Ex-wife alive.

    I only have one year, two months before I can leave this God forsaken place.
    Well I'm glad that everyone's alright. Tornados have been popping up a bunch this year.

    The only "natural disaster" we have in Arizona is hot summers. No hurricanes, no tornados, no earthquakes, no floods, no tsunami's. Plus there are a bunch of kilt wearers out here. Overall it's a pretty good state.

  2. #12
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    Minnesota can get its share of tornados, too. Still, I'd rather have a tornado than an earthquake or hurricane.

    It's amazing what tornados can do. We had an article in the local paper about their whimsical ways, such as unrolling the toilet paper roll and rolling it back up in the sink like a nest, or smashing one glass in the cupboard but leaving everything else untouched.

    I'm glad you are OK. We lost a 2 year old to a tornado a couple weeks ago and then a woman died in the cleanup. In Iowa to the south, they had it much worse.

    The only other natural disaster we get in Minnesota is blizzards.

  3. #13
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    Yep, it was pretty hairy here up east of you last night as well.

    I've had a bunch of friend from the coasts ask me how I can stand to live in "tornado alley". I just tell them "tornados skip around, there's a chance it won't hit you, even if it hits the house next door. They come, they go, it's a roll of the dice. Hurricanes, now - they ARE going to come ashore somewhere and there's no skipping about with them. It's a sure thing disaster. Same way with earthquakes. I'll take my chances."

    Sorry you don't like Kansas, Chris. We'll miss you when you leave. (seven days to KC!)

  4. #14
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    I was at Ft Riley in the early 80's. Wasn't fun then either...

  5. #15
    TheSp8's Avatar
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    The boy called to tell us about the weather. He went out to move his car from an area deep water to an area of fairly shallow water and the couple next door stuck their heads out the door and asked if he wasn't scared. They were originally from CA and didn't know what to do with tornados and tornado weather. He's been through several during the years we were there at Ft Riley so is used to them. He went into their house and told them what to do in event one came near. Our feeling is the beauty and the feeling of the Flint Hills makes up for the weather.

    "Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready." Teddy Roosevelt

    If you are fearful, never learn any art of fighting" Master Liechtenauer, c.1389

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