X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
WooT! Got another one kilted!
Years ago a friend of mine stated that he wouldn't be caught dead in a dress. Over the years he has asked questions about the kilt and I have answered them. Last month someone shouted "nice skirt" toward me in my kilt. Tony, the friend, replied "it isn't a skirt, it's a kilt.. and stop showing the world how ignorant you are".
Last week Tony told me "you know, people wouldn't give you such a hard time if you and I both wore kilts". I thought "hmm opportunity here", and asked if he was serious. He said he was and we sat down and started looking at tartans. I went over the "official rules" with him (told him there aren't any) and he ordered a kilt in the Black Watch tartan a few days later. I donated a belt, some hose, and a set of flashes (from my recent USAK order). He doesn't have a sporran yet (minimum wage in Seattle sucks) but he seems to be fully committed.
His girlfriend, a good friend of mine for many years, found out about this and gave me a big bear hug - she has always been a proponent of the kilt. She also said something about contributing funds toward a new sporran for Tony.
Another enlightened man joins our ranks. Is this great or what?!
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