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Thread: New Job

  1. #11
    Join Date
    2nd October 04
    Page/Lake Powell, Arizona USA
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    Umm, your life, but Rio Rancho is no sand pit. Quite beautiful along the banks of the Rio Grande and VERY close to Kathy Lare's home/shop.

    Guessing you've been there in person and didn't like it for some reason. I'd move there in a heartbeat were it possible.

    Also near the home of Z Coil shoes...and the mountains, and Santa Fe, and a LOT of hot springs....

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    Umm, your life, but Rio Rancho is no sand pit. Quite beautiful along the banks of the Rio Grande and VERY close to Kathy Lare's home/shop.

    Guessing you've been there in person and didn't like it for some reason. I'd move there in a heartbeat were it possible.

    Also near the home of Z Coil shoes...and the mountains, and Santa Fe, and a LOT of hot springs....

    Yes, I've been there and no, it's not a major sand pit but too much for me. My main reason is that I won't be able to drive up to Estes Park and back over the weekend to help Dad with Mom. Mom is in the first stages of Alzheimers and the only direction I can move right now is north.

    BUT, I am only 5 hrs from Kathy and I have an Aunt and Uncle in that area.

  3. #13
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    Understand the mother stuff. Took care of my Alzheimer's mother's affairs for the last ten years of her life. No fun, but rewarding. Do take care of yourself, its draining and caretaker burnout is very very real.

    Still remember the joy my mother had when I first showed her my then new Scott tartan kilt and told her it was her clan's tartan. Sometimes its the little things.

    I was kilted sitting at her bedside the last week of her life and when she died. Not sure how/why but it seemed to give better respect from the hospital staff, maybe something different for them.

    Sorry, don't mean to be grim. Hope your mom has a long happy one and that the changes are something good happening.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
    Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Northglenn, Colorado, USA
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    My Dad is the primary care give right now but we all know it's going to change at some point. I'm really, really needing to get some Walker Hunting tartan and make up a kilt. She's a Walker and enjoys going to the games there in Estes Park.

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