11th August 08, 07:42 AM
A TWEED Argyll,white shirt and tie will be fine. The black barathea Argyll,with silver buttons and tie(not bow tie) is the kilt equivalent of the morning suit. In other words the most formal of day wear.
11th August 08, 08:41 PM
Let me make sure I've got this right...
Black barathea Argyll= FORMAL day wear
PC (regardless of color)= evening wear
So, as I only own these two jackets, I guess I'll be wearing the black barathea Argyll to the morning wedding this Saturday.
As long as I'm asking questions, I've got a couple more for you...
When would a BLUE PC be appropriate?
If I ever end up going to a formal/black tie event, which would be more appropriate, the black barathea Argyll, or the blue PC?
11th August 08, 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Clockwork John
Let me make sure I've got this right...
Black barathea Argyll= FORMAL day wear
PC (regardless of color)= evening wear
So, as I only own these two jackets, I guess I'll be wearing the black barathea Argyll to the morning wedding this Saturday.
As long as I'm asking questions, I've got a couple more for you...
When would a BLUE PC be appropriate?
If I ever end up going to a formal/black tie event, which would be more appropriate, the black barathea Argyll, or the blue PC?
Speaking personally,I cannot imagine any time that is suitable for a blue PC,sorry.Alright,on reflection a very dark blue might do.Having said that,sorry again, the PC is the "correct" form of evening wear along with other styles of evening wear jackets.
The black barathea Argyll is really a formal day wear jacket,but these days it is worn as evening wear too.I think it is very effective worn this way,provided and I repeat, provided, that if a waist coat(vest) is worn, the low cut 3 button version, is the one to wear and NOT the usual 5 button version.
Last edited by Jock Scot; 11th August 08 at 11:43 PM.
12th August 08, 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Clockwork John
the blue PC?
I don't think I have ever seen one of those. I did see a dark green one once. I would stick to black for formal dress.
12th August 08, 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Clockwork John
When would a BLUE PC be appropriate?
Let's say, whenever a blue tuxedo jacket would be appropriate. Actually, midnight blue (almost, but not quite, black) does well in tux form. Is yours a navy blue?
BTW if you want to make your Argyll more versatile, you can get a 3-button black vest from Celtic Croft, among other places.
Last edited by fluter; 12th August 08 at 09:04 AM.
Reason: Add note about waistcoat source
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
gainfully unemployed systems programmer
12th August 08, 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by fluter
Let's say, whenever a blue tuxedo jacket would be appropriate. Actually, midnight blue (almost, but not quite, black) does well in tux form. Is yours a navy blue?
So in other words, it would be appropriate at a high school prom...
I can't remember the exact shade of blue off hand, but I know it's lighter than navy or midnight.
16th August 08, 08:54 AM
Thank you all for clearing up thre rules of kilted formal wear for me.
I'm going to end up breaking them today. Thankfully no one at the wedding will know the difference.
My godbrother is also going to wear his kilt to the wedding today, and he's about the same size I am. I'm going to loan him my Argyll, and I'm going to wear the PC. I found an unbelievable deal on a tux shirt, bowtie, stud, and cufflink set($25 for everything!) so I'm set for any occasion that calls for the PC.
The way I see it, if one of us is going to be over dressed and look a fool, it's better that it be me, who knows better, than the new kiltie who's still trying to learn the basics.
I also have a relative's 50th anniversary party to attend today, so after the wedding I'm going to change my shirt and tie and put on the waistcoat from the Argyll.
16th August 08, 09:11 AM
Hope all goes well then. Lots of good advice and interesting ideas in this thread.
Until I get my outfits together, I will not be wearing a kilt to weddings and all... but don't tell anyone.
Good luck John.
Last edited by Bugbear; 23rd September 08 at 10:35 PM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
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