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Thread: Pinstripe kilts

  1. #11
    Panache's Avatar
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    A Note

    Quote Originally Posted by kenny graham View Post
    all i,v got to say as a true scotsman is if it,s not a clan tartan then it,s not a kilt, it,s a pinstriped skirt.

    You are new to our forum, so here is a word to the wise. X Marks the Scot is a Kilt forum for both traditional and modern kilts. We have members like to wear one, the other, or both styles.

    We take the word "Kilt" on this forum to mean a pleated skirt with a front apron made for men. It is masculine attire. So please show restraint and care when you think about throwing out the term "skirt" on our forums.

    We have many staunch traditionalists here and their input is always appreciated. What makes XMTS unique on the internet is that we are Ladies and Gentlemen here, and we speak politely and with repect to other people here.


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  2. #12
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    oh, ok.

    Quote Originally Posted by kenny graham View Post
    all i,v got to say as a true scotsman is if it,s not a clan tartan then it,s not a kilt, it,s a pinstriped skirt.
    Hector Rojas Young | Chilean-Scot

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by OFCJAX View Post
    Who (besides Hammish) has or has seen in real life the 21st century kilts pinstripe suits?


    The Geoffrey (Tailor) booth had a three piece pin stripe kilt suit hanging up. I took a bit of time to inspect it. The material and workmanship were first rate.
    I thought it was really handsome (and the thunderbolt kilt pin is really attractive though big).

    I have to agree with the others that I would want to get the whole outfit and wear the kilt with the other components.

    There wasn't a price tag on the suit and I didn't dare ask after ordering a Freedom Kilt Friday.


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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny graham View Post
    all i,v got to say as a true scotsman is if it,s not a clan tartan then it,s not a kilt, it,s a pinstriped skirt.
    Have a read of this article and consider the validity of non-clan tartans not being kilts.


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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny graham View Post
    all i,v got to say as a true scotsman is if it,s not a clan tartan then it,s not a kilt, it,s a pinstriped skirt.
    Not all pants/shirts/shoes/socks are made of the same material, or even the same material as the first pants/shirts/shoes/socks long ago. So why should all kilts be made of the same material? I wouldn't wear my $500.00 hand-sewn tank to work in the garden.

  6. #16
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    Valid points gents.

    Let's try to keep back to OFCJAX's questions about 21st Century kilts.


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  7. #17
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    The guy who runs the Welsh cookie booth at many Celtic festivals sometimes wears one, or a TFCK tweed kilt suit. Can't guarantee that he'll have it on this year, but if history is an example he will wear it at least once at the Cincy festival in Sept.


  8. #18
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Iast year I made a kilt for a solicitor in London from a grey fine suiting cloth with a fine red window pane, sadly no photos yet. It looked really smart, he wore it with a heavy woollen pullover, and I say it with a smart colourful waistcoat, no jacket and I think it really looked casual-smart, so perhaps with a little thought just a pin-striped kilt could work!

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    Robert's post on another thread with pics of a tweed double box gave me the idea of doing a tweed of my own.
    So yesterday my wife and I went to a fabric shop an found a beautiful suiting tweed I intend to start sewing up in knife pleat.(Would love trying a box pleat but not yet ready for that)
    So I took it up to have eight yards cut and this young lady says"Wow.This would make a beautiful skirt"
    Made me have second thoughts for a second,but than I told her that it is going to be a skirt-Sort of.Im making a kilt.
    She said "OH.Well it would make a nice kilt too and I hope you wear it in when you get it finished so I can see it.
    She even went on to say I would love to see my husband wear something like that.

    So pressing on im going to make it and wear it.
    When I get the tweed finished I will post a pic in another thread,but give me a few weeks.

    Now here you go giving me the idea of a pinstripe.

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    Thanks for all the input folks.

    I'd definitely get all 3 pieces and more than likely wear them together.

    Adam, I'm sure it won't be a big inconvenience to ask you to get some footage of that gentleman given your occupation.

    Tommie, Love to see the results of your handiwork.

    I'd love to see just how custom I could get it. I was thinking of a certain liner fabric with a red piping on the inside. Also see if I could get some "work related" additions made.

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