Wonderful news! Mike must have a pretty deep well of inner strength. I'll continue sending good thoughts for his continued recovery.
What joyous news Alan - thanks for keeping us informed. Here's to a speedy and remarkable recovery.
Great news indeed!
- The Beertigger "The only one, since 1969."
I look forward to seeing him at the end of the month and I'm so glad he is doing well. Be well, Star
Great news Alan. Thanks for keeping us updated.
[I][B]Nearly all men can stand adversity. If you really want to test a man’s character, Give him power.[/B][/I] - [I]Abraham Lincoln[/I]
Wonderful news! Cheers Jamie
-See it there, a white plume Over the battle - A diamond in the ash Of the ultimate combustion-My panache Edmond Rostand
Looks like Christmas came early this year! Booya for him. And a hearty "Well Done" to his doctors. Rich
Glen McGuire A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
Outstanding new, Alan. Please pass on the good words from us.
What a wonderful bit of news. May Michael continue to recover well. Brian
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