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  1. #11
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    ,I'm not trying to put together an impression..I already have those, I was just trying to carry over a "military look" into civilian wear...much like the way you have military style jackets that are civilian made and worn...that type of thing, I think that best describes what I was going for. It may be an idea that gets shelved for now though...we'll see..

  2. #12
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    Just curious as to how you get them to stay up...like an Ace Bandage clip or something?

    Might be a good idea for me when I'm hiking through sand in my Z Coils...the paddle dealies on the heel tend to toss sand up into the other boot.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #13
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by puddlemuddle View Post
    ,I'm not trying to put together an impression..I already have those, I was just trying to carry over a "military look" into civilian wear...much like the way you have military style jackets that are civilian made and worn...that type of thing, I think that best describes what I was going for. It may be an idea that gets shelved for now though...we'll see..
    But still...with the exception of a gent in the country wearing them many years ago for shooting, hiking, etc. -- puttees really aren't civilian kit. Civilian Highland attire certainly has its roots in military fashion...but unless you're going to use them in "the field", I'd say it just wouldn't look right...and you did ask for opinions.


  4. #14
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riverkilt View Post
    Just curious as to how you get them to stay up...like an Ace Bandage clip or something?

    Puttees are wound very tightly, Ron, and then tied at the top.


  5. #15
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    I always welcome others opinions!!

    The ones that I wear are the short WWII version. You can get them from Jerry Lee at www.whatpriceglory.com
    They are wound tightly, then they have a long narrow strip on the end that is then rapped around and then I just stick it under itself, and that seems to keep it all nice and tight...you can see this in the picture.

  6. #16
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    Thanks, couldn't see any ties in the photo and didn't guess they'd be on the inside...sounds sorta like how the traditional garter ties are done.

    Jeez, WPG had a LOT of my money already...something else now...if it'll keep the sand out I'm all for it. Off to see what's new with Jerry Lee...

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  7. #17
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    What a great idea for keeping the cheatgrass and sticker bushes out of your kilt hose on those long "off road" hikes.

  8. #18
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    I don't see a problem with it! Granted, it may be "military kit" but there's no reason it can't be altered, adapted, etc (improvise, adapt, overcome!) to fit in with whatever you envision.

    People wear military kit-type stuff all the time with civilian attire; combat boots and the like spring to mind.

    I say try it; if you like it, keep it! If not, scrap it and that's that. No harm done.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdcorlis View Post
    What a great idea for keeping the cheatgrass and sticker bushes out of your kilt hose on those long "off road" hikes.
    And what a great way to set a new silly-looking fashion! Like Todd said, puttees really have no place outside of military re-enacting. If you are concerned about bugs, sand, stickers, etc. you have two, far more practical, choices:

    CHOICE # 1: Don't go out in the wilds, stay on the sidewalks, etc.

    CHOICE # 2: Get a good pair of leggings from any outdoor supplier as these are vastly superior to puttees in field conditions.

    If you want coloured puttees, they are available from most equestrian shops, and are sold as leg wraps for horses. I've used these in a pinch when I had to ride, but didn't have my boots with me. They work quite well. But would I recommend them for wear with the kilt?

    NO WAY!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacMillan of Rathdown View Post
    And what a great way to set a new silly-looking fashion! Like Todd said, puttees really have no place outside of military re-enacting. If you are concerned about bugs, sand, stickers, etc. you have two, far more practical, choices:

    CHOICE # 1: Don't go out in the wilds, stay on the sidewalks, etc.

    CHOICE # 2: Get a good pair of leggings from any outdoor supplier as these are vastly superior to puttees in field conditions.

    If you want coloured puttees, they are available from most equestrian shops, and are sold as leg wraps for horses. I've used these in a pinch when I had to ride, but didn't have my boots with me. They work quite well. But would I recommend them for wear with the kilt?

    NO WAY!
    You of course are correct. But....

    If we all come to a cut-n-dry position on what should or should not be done, wouldn't that fly in the face of what the kilt really is?

    In other words, if it's useful or practical, or even simply helpful, why shouldn't one do as they wish? Even if it dosen't look right.

    For instance, I wear a wristwatch every day. Simply because it is useful and practical. If wristwatches went out of style tomorrow, would I quit wearing one? No. But I think the reverse is true, also. If I suddenly discover something that is useful to me, then I'll start using it. Why not?

    I agree with you that I wouldn't recommend them. But if there's a need for something like that, then I say go for it. Looking silly be damned!


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