from one more in AZ
Originally Posted by sputtyduke testicicles. . Love that one!! from coastal North Carolina. Brian
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
from Detroit, Michigan, USA!
[B]Paul Murray[/B] Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
from Boston.
Scotchmaster ALBA GU BRATH!
Welcome from Michigan!! Know about the funny looks in winter. Got some yesterday while out and about kilted. Cold and heavy snow!!
From Charlotte, NC
Hello and welcome from Houston, TX! I've been to the Capitol District HG in Altamont, NY, and enjoyed it very much!
Welcome from snowy Norway!
[U]Oddern[/U] Kilted Norwegian [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""][/URL] [URL=""]Facebook[/URL]
Rock on Brother! Don't envy you snowboarding in a kilt...I do too many jumps and tricks to make that a successful venture without injuries. Testicicles...that is funny, haha
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