2nd March 09, 08:41 AM
I don't know if this will help but........
Across the river in Vancouver in the 1820's-60's there was a British owned fort (Fort Vancouver) which employed many Scottish and gaelic speakers. The Head Factor??? of the fort was named John McLoughlin who later moved to Oregon City after the British sold the fort to the Americans.
The good thing about Fort Vancouver is that it was a Hudsons Bay Company post. HBC still exists today and a surprising amount of their records still survive....It might be worth a look.
John McLoughlin's house in Oregon City is located just down the street from The Highland Still House. I would like to think that he would have regularly enjoyed a dram or 2 there :-)
Wear your kilt proudly, but carry a big stick
2nd March 09, 10:07 AM
The entire Hillsboro area was settled by Scots. Glenco, Scots Plains, the Old Scottish Church are in that area.
Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.
2nd March 09, 12:26 PM
SCOTs in OR = YES In FACT, out side of the "short" (2 yrs.) of "Astor's abortive stay ( Pacific Fur Co. ( PFC )1811-1813) The ENTIRE AREA (now WA/OR) was the SOLE DOMAIN of Scots administrated operations. PLUS the exploration was done by Scots.
NOTE It was originally called NEW CALEDONIA
Some "Highlights"
1. Although the NWC was "French/Canadian" ( Montreal),Most of the MAJOR Partners were Scots ( McTavish,McGilliivray,etal.) It was Run, Operated, & staffed (upper level employees) by SCOTS ( Highland primarily)
2. In 1813, NWC took over the PFC post @ "Astoria) & renamed it Ft. George.
3. In 1821, NWC merged with Hudson Bay CO. (HBC)
1. 1821, with merger of NWC & HBC, Vancouver becomes the center of operations.
2. Dr. John McLoughlin Was made the "CHIEF FACTOR" ( was also known as "the "FATHER of OR )
A. ALL FUR TRADE WAS controlled by HBC
B. Exploration & Fur Trade, included N.CA.
4. Agriculture & other enterprises - Although in the "early" years the Fur Trade dominated, by the mid 1830s, Agriculture & other enterprises ( Farming, Logging, Saw mills, grain mils etal) became "dominate"
A. CONTRARY to MYTH, the Men (& Women) of the NWC & HBC, DID NOT dress in "furs & skins". They Dressed in the "Eastern" Fashions of the Day.
B. The Kilt ?? Was the KILT worn ?? YES Note, it is unknown how often or "exactly who, BUT
1. Spokane House (NWC ca. 1812-18 ??) Had a PIPER
2. McLouglin (Vancouver) had a PIPER
3. Gov. Geo. Simpson ( Gov. of the "Colombian Dist. 1821-1860) (NOTE- Born in Dingnall-Ross Shire Scotland ( Highlands) is Documented as Traveling with a Piper when in the District. ( according to my info, the original one, was a "FRAZER"
Here is a pic. (Smpsonon arriving @ the "Post". Note the Kilted "gent in the bottom left & the 3 gents just to the right of Simpson, wearing TOSs.)

BTW, I DO "Historical Research" on the Scots in the PNW. Email ne if I can be of help
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