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  1. #11
    Join Date
    5th October 08
    Massachusetts, U.S.A.
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    I have not been in PA for a few years now. I really should visit some friends there. I'm glad you and your family are having a nice time. Enjoy and have loads of fun.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    6th November 08
    West Virginia
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    Oh man, I really just kinda babbled through that last post didn't I? Finally made it home, almost 10pm and I am bushed. I was not kilted today as I was going to be in a building with several hundred rabbits and could not stand the thought of all that hair being deposited on my new kilt. My wife bought two Jersey Wooleys (small little fur balls lol). Cute as hell but they had a great time depositing fur all over my dad's truck.

    In all the hustle and bustle it seems we did not get any pictures of me kilted, so that will have to wait until I'm more awake. As will a better story post lol. I'm off to bed so I can be at work tomorrow morning.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    29th January 09
    SE Wisconsin
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    Sounds like a fruitful trip

    I didn't realize they were located near Hershey. I'm probably moving to Elizabethtown in the next 6 or so months! GREAT!

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