11th February 09, 11:24 AM
One of the Bridges books is A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up. Nothing about kilts, but it's good advice on other stuff, including (if I remember right) how to tie a bow-tie.
When given a choice, most people will choose.
11th February 09, 11:31 AM
 Originally Posted by Rex_Tremende
I don't have the updated version Rex, but my copy of the original has had a place of honor among my books since the early eighties!
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
11th February 09, 04:00 PM
Here's something to ponder. We have three libraries locally, two public and one college. I stopped by each of them this evening and not 1 of them have any books on Etiquette. 
There are other libraries in the area, so the odds of at least one of them having anything on the subject is pretty good. 
And people wonder about todays young people...
11th February 09, 04:25 PM
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
Here's something to ponder. We have three libraries locally, two public and one college. I stopped by each of them this evening and not 1 of them have any books on Etiquette. 
There are other libraries in the area, so the odds of at least one of them having anything on the subject is pretty good. 
And people wonder about todays young people...
Most libraries have forms (either printed or online) for patron requests. Did you fill one out for a book about etiquette, or talk to a librarian?
Todd (the librarian)
11th February 09, 04:34 PM
 Originally Posted by M. A. C. Newsome
Matt I hope you realize that this link just cost me 2 hours with only 1 fleeting kilt reference.
11th February 09, 04:41 PM
 Originally Posted by cajunscot
Most libraries have forms (either printed or online) for patron requests. Did you fill one out for a book about etiquette, or talk to a librarian?
Todd (the librarian)
I spoke with the librarians at all three places. I've known each of them for a long time and I can safely say they were equally surprised at the lack of material on the subject.
11th February 09, 04:43 PM
 Originally Posted by Southern Breeze
I spoke with the librarians at all three places. I've known all them for a long time and I can safely say they were equally surprised at the lack of material on the subject.
I'd bet in the near future there will be books on this subject in the stacks.
11th February 09, 07:57 PM
I have no books on etiquette, I am afraid. However, if one stops to think about it, surely a true Gentleman has no need of such a guide - he instinctively knows how to behave. A Gentleman is born, not created!
Take care,
[B][I][U]No. of Kilts[/U][/I][/B][I]:[/I] 102.[I] [B]"[U][B]Title[/B]"[/U][/B][/I]: Lord Hamish Bicknell, Laird of Lochaber / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Scottish Tartans Authority / [B][U][I]Life Member:[/I][/U][/B] The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society / [U][I][B]Member:[/B][/I][/U] The Ardbeg Committee / [I][B][U]My NEW Photo Album[/U]: [/B][/I][COLOR=purple]Sadly, and with great regret, it seems my extensive and comprehensive album may now have been lost forever![/COLOR]/
14th February 09, 03:20 AM
I here what you say Hamish, but this gentleman is not too proud to check up on a few things, on occasion!
14th February 09, 05:08 AM
You can tell much about a man by the books he reads...
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