20th February 09, 12:05 PM
 Originally Posted by meinfs
...And I desire to learn more about Robert Burns and his works. How fun it would be to be able to get a book of his works and commentary about him... suggestions?
Thank you gentlemen.
Here's a new one, hot of the presses:
Very timely, considering we are celebrating the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth.
And here's a shameless plug for my "trusty friend", Chris Tait:
It's always guid tae see another Burnsian!
20th February 09, 12:46 PM
"The Poetry of Robert Burns" is in the public domain now, Meins, and there are a few sites you can download it in digital form. I'm guessing The Project Gutenberg has it.
It might be a good idea to have a newer version with history, commentary and explainations, though.
Last edited by Bugbear; 20th February 09 at 01:19 PM.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
20th February 09, 01:17 PM
I have two books I picked up in Dumfries, Scotland.
The first was is 2007 and is Robert Burns, The Complete Poetical Works, Edited by James A. Mackay, Published in 1993 and reprinted in 2005 ISBN 0-907526-60-8 in Paperback.
That caused me to want to know more about his life so in January, while in Dumfries again, I picked up Burns, A Biography of Robert Burns, by James Mackay, published in 2004, ISBN 907526-86-1.
Knowing when he wrote certain poems and the circumstances he was in as well as knowing more about the people he was involved with at the time has made the reading of the poems easier and more interesting. I'm only about 1/3 the way through the biography.
20th February 09, 01:58 PM
Legend has it that Burns first considered using that line in the peom- To A Louse but "of lice and Len" just didn't work as well, even though his friend, Len, was sitting next to the bonnie lass with the louse on her bonnet!
20th February 09, 02:07 PM
 Originally Posted by cajunscot
I would have to second that Todd, I'd also recommend Robert Burns Live by Chris Tait just an absolutely wonderful wee DVD and one all Burnsians should have.
20th February 09, 09:26 PM
Thanks guys for the references! I'm off to the public library!
Sionnach - did you just make that up -
of "lice and Len"? That's really quite punny!!! 
John Steinbeck got the name Lennie from that legend, of Len, then?
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