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  1. #11
    Join Date
    15th September 08
    Piqua, OH
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerr the Walker View Post
    Definitely handled it well. I always find the group mentality interesting. A person by himself is generally fairly well behaved and socially adjusted. That seems to go out the window when surrounded by other people in their group.

    My dad used to get called "haole" all the time while in med-school. Basically the Hawai'ian equivalent to gaijin.

    Then for about a month after he married my mom my uncle called him "exenos" (greek for foreigner). All in fun that time though
    In Michigan, we had Yoopers and Trolls. Once in Cincy, I saw a person with a Michigan shirt for a town I didn't recognize, and I asked if he which he was. My manager nearly crapped himself and almost fired me for calling a customer a Troll. Apparently, Cincy doesn't have the mindset for that kind of thing...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    5th November 08
    Marion, NC
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    CDN, do you know a 'piper nearby? If so, you could take him with you next time you visit that restaurant, and he could stand about a foot away from the loud people and favor them with a little tune. If they can yell over that, they'll be hoarse for the next week and NO ONE will be bothered by them.

    How's the recuperating going, by the way?

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

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