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  1. #11
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    Stingy?? Yes! No! Well Maybe! But no when it comes to Children!

    That's when the Santa in me comes out!

    I to do me best for the cheapest price when it comes to sale items,
    but I do ask nicely. I try never to insult.

    Me da was a great horse trader, so was me grand! Thats where it comes
    to me!

    Sometimes the wife wonders why I get such good deals when she can't!

    I always tell her it's me charming smile and the twinkle in me eye!

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    My wife will tell you that I'm not stingy, so I am not sure where that comes from, but I was just thinking today as the grey skies hung low and the rains moved in through the DFW area that my love for the rain may be scottish. Last week when we had 3 days of rain, it was enlivening to me even when other friends talk about it being depressing.

    And I agree with Riverkilt, ya 'afta love da pipes!
    May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
    2 Corinthians 13:14

    David E. Gregory

  3. #13
    Phogfan86's Avatar
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    When my genealogical research revealed that I did indeed have Scottish lineage, despite what all my relatives said, I sort of felt like I was meant to find out. Maybe it was God, maybe it was the universe, maybe it was someone/something else, but I knew it wasn't just a coincidence.

    Then, at my first Highland games in my homemade black twill kilt, my first experience hearing massed bands in person turned me into an absolute weeping mess. For some reason, I felt homesick.

    I don't know how I feel about reincarnation yet, but I am starting to think there may be something to the idea of cellular memory.
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  4. #14
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    I've had almost the same experience with the pipes. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I first heard them. Another trait I have that I think is the Scotsman in me is self reliance, I absolutely hate asking for help. If I can't find a way to do something myself, I get cranky. But I don't mind working with other folks when I know the job requires it to begin with. Another trait of mine is the ability to march to my own drum ( I appologize for my lack of grammar skills, I'm running a fever and can't think right while I'm in bed LOL ) If someone tells me I have to do something because it's the way everyone else is doing it. More likely than not I'll go out of my way to do it differently. I'll not cut me own throat but I definitely seek my own path.

  5. #15
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I have refrained from joining this conversation to see how it is going but do have a question to ask the original poster, Snowbear. I see you come from Norway and wonder if your choice of the word "stinginess" comes from learning english as a foreign language? Stinginess implies a meanness of spirit and a miserliness particularly towards others perhaps less fortunate than yourself. While I would not for a moment dispute that it is in the nature of Scots generally to be prudent and careful when it comes to money and what they spend it on, it is also in their nature to be generous and hospitable. You will never visit a Scottish household without being offered refreshment or even a meal. It is something that is second nature, possibly having its roots in the type of hospitality offered by the MacDonalds of Glencoe. We Scots tend to be criticised by our neighbours south of the border for our generous welfare provisions such as free care for the elderly, reducing prescription charges, abolishing university fees being some examples. What they fail to understand is that Scots genuinely value the well-being of their compatriots above the accumulation of wealth for its own sake and are happy to do so. So "stinginess" is an unfortunate term to describe Scots with its connotations of mean-spiritedness. Careful or prudent yes.

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