I like like that County Crest Cavan!!! OoOoOOooOOo
Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
“KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce www.melbournepipesanddrums.com
I was thinking Edzell, nice shades of blue and a subtle red stripe. Rocky may have some of the PV left, otherwise he can do it in wool. He's had lots of good practice the past year and a half!
I think Rocky is out of the Edzell in the PV. (I ordered one of the last ones about 6 weeks ago, my jones should soon be over...) I believe it was no longer listed on the website the last time I looked in the PV, although he can still get it in wool.
Thanks for all the responses. I am leaning towards the American heritage tartan. 5 yard in 13oz from USA. Because I have a lot of casual kilts not a single wool one. So I could also wear the American heritage when I need to dress up a bit and because I don't have hardly any Scottish or Irish blood I can wear it very proudly. So really my next question do you suggest maybe more yardage less weight wool or heavier wool and less yardage?